[CVPR2023] Official Implementation of "DSVT: Dynamic Sparse Voxel Transformer with Rotated Sets"

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DSVT: Dynamic Sparse Voxel Transformer with Rotated Sets

This repo is the official implementation of: DSVT: Dynamic Sparse Voxel Transformer with Rotated Sets as well as the follow-ups. Our DSVT achieves state-of-the-art performance on large-scale Waymo Open Dataset with real-time inference speed (27Hz).

DSVT: Dynamic Sparse Voxel Transformer with Rotated Sets

Haiyang Wang*, Chen Shi*, Shaoshuai Shi $^\dagger$, Meng Lei, Sen Wang, Di He, Bernt Schiele, Liwei Wang $^\dagger$


  • [23-01-15] DSVT is released on arXiv.
  • [23-02-28] 🔥 DSVT is accepted at CVPR 2023.
  • [23-03-30] Code of Waymo is released.


  • Release the arXiv version.
  • SOTA performance of 3D object detection (Waymo & Nuscenes) and BEV Map Segmentation (Nuscenes).
  • Clean up and release the code of Waymo.
  • Release code of NuScenes.
  • Merge DSVT to OpenPCDet.


Dynamic Sparse Voxel Transformer is an efficient yet deployment-friendly 3D transformer backbone for outdoor 3D object detection. It partitions a series of local regions in each window according to its sparsity and then computes the features of all regions in a fully parallel manner. Moreover, to allow the cross-set connection, it designs a rotated set partitioning strategy that alternates between two partitioning configurations in consecutive self-attention layers.

DSVT achieves state-of-the-art performance on large-scale Waymo one-sweeps 3D object detection (78.2 mAPH L1 and 72.1 mAPH L2 on one-stage setting) and (78.9 mAPH L1 and 72.8 mAPH L2 on two-stage setting), surpassing previous models by a large margin. Moreover, as for multiple sweeps setting ( 2, 3, 4 sweeps settings), our model reaches 74.6 mAPH L2, 75.0 mAPH L2 and 75.6 mAPH L2 in terms of one-stage framework and 75.1 mAPH L2, 75.5 mAPH L2 and 76.2 mAPH L2 on two-stage framework, which outperforms the previous best multi-frame methods with a large margin. Note that our model is not specifically designed for multi-frame detection, and only takes concatenated point clouds as input.


Main results

We provide the pillar and voxel 3D version of one-stage DSVT. The two-stage versions with CT3D are also listed below.

3D Object Detection (on Waymo validation)

We run training for 3 times and report average metrics across all results.

One-Sweeps Setting

Model #Sweeps mAP/H_L1 mAP/H_L2 Veh_L1 Veh_L2 Ped_L1 Ped_L2 Cyc_L1 Cyc_L2 Log
DSVT(Pillar) 1 79.5/77.1 73.2/71.0 79.3/78.8 70.9/70.5 82.8/77.0 75.2/69.8 76.4/75.4 73.6/72.7 Log
DSVT(Voxel) 1 80.3/78.2 74.0/72.1 79.7/79.3 71.4/71.0 83.7/78.9 76.1/71.5 77.5/76.5 74.6/73.7 Log
DSVT(Pillar-TS) 1 80.6/78.2 74.3/72.1 80.2/79.7 72.0/71.6 83.7/78.0 76.1/70.7 77.8/76.8 74.9/73.9 Log
DSVT(Voxel-TS) 1 81.1/78.9 74.8/72.8 80.4/79.9 72.2/71.8 84.2/79.3 76.5/71.8 78.6/77.6 75.7/74.7 Log

Multi-Sweeps Setting

Model #Sweeps mAP/H_L1 mAP/H_L2 Veh_L1 Veh_L2 Ped_L1 Ped_L2 Cyc_L1 Cyc_L2 Log
DSVT(Pillar) 2 81.4/79.8 75.4/73.9 80.8/80.3 72.7/72.3 84.5/81.3 77.2/74.1 78.8/77.9 76.3/75.4 Log
DSVT(Voxel) 2 81.9/80.4 76.0/74.6 81.1/80.6 73.0/72.6 84.9/81.7 77.8/74.8 79.8/78.9 77.3/76.4 Log
DSVT(Pillar-TS) 2 81.9/80.4 76.0/74.5 81.3/80.9 73.4/73.0 85.2/81.9 77.9/74.7 79.2/78.3 76.7/75.9 Log
DSVT(Voxel-TS) 2 82.3/80.8 76.6/75.1 81.4/81.0 73.5/73.1 85.4/82.2 78.4/75.3 80.2/79.3 77.8/76.9 Log
Model #Sweeps mAP/H_L1 mAP/H_L2 Veh_L1 Veh_L2 Ped_L1 Ped_L2 Cyc_L1 Cyc_L2 Log
DSVT(Pillar) 3 81.9/80.5 76.2/74.8 81.2/80.8 73.3/72.9 85.0/82.0 78.0/75.0 79.6/78.8 77.2/76.4 Log
DSVT(Voxel) 3 82.1/80.8 76.3/75.0 81.5/81.1 73.6/73.2 85.3/82.4 78.2/75.4 79.6/78.8 77.2/76.4 Log
DSVT(Pillar-TS) 3 82.5/81.0 76.7/75.4 81.8/81.3 74.0/73.6 85.6/82.6 78.5/75.6 80.1/79.2 77.7/76.9 Log
DSVT(Voxel-TS) 3 82.6/81.2 76.8/75.5 81.8/81.4 74.0/73.6 85.8/82.9 78.8/75.9 80.1/79.2 77.7/76.9 Log
Model #Sweeps mAP/H_L1 mAP/H_L2 Veh_L1 Veh_L2 Ped_L1 Ped_L2 Cyc_L1 Cyc_L2 Log
DSVT(Pillar) 4 82.5/81.0 76.7/75.3 81.7/81.2 73.8/73.4 85.4/82.3 78.5/75.5 80.3/79.4 77.9/77.1 Log
DSVT(Voxel) 4 82.6/81.3 76.9/75.6 81.8/81.4 74.1/73.6 85.6/82.8 78.6/75.9 80.4/79.6 78.1/77.3 Log
DSVT(Pillar-TS) 4 82.9/81.5 77.3/75.9 82.1/81.6 74.4/74.0 85.8/82.8 79.0/76.1 80.9/80.0 78.6/77.7 Log
DSVT(Voxel-TS) 4 83.1/81.7 77.5/76.2 82.1/81.6 74.5/74.1 86.0/83.2 79.1/76.4 81.1/80.3 78.8/78.0 Log

3D Object Detection (on NuScenes validation)

DSVT(Pillar) 66.4 71.1 27.0 24.8 27.2 22.6 18.9

3D Object Detection (on NuScenes test)

Model mAP NDS mATE mASE mAOE mAVE mAAE results
DSVT(Pillar) 68.4 72.7 24.8 23.0 29.6 24.6 13.6 result.json

Bev Map Segmentation (on NuScenes validation)

Model Drivable Ped.Cross. Walkway StopLine Carpark Divider mIoU
DSVT(Pillar) 87.6 67.2 72.7 59.7 62.7 58.2 68.0

Inference Speed

We present a comparison with other state-of-the-art methods on both inference speed and performance accuracy. After being deployed by NVIDIA TensorRT, our model can achieve a real-time running speed (27Hz).


Model Latency mAP_L2 mAPH_L2
Centerpoint-Pillar 35ms 66.0 62.2
Centerpoint-Voxel 40ms 68.2 65.8
PV-RCNN++(center) 113ms 71.7 69.5
DSVT(Pillar) 67ms 73.2 71.0
DSVT(Voxel) 97ms 74.0 72.1
DSVT(Pillar+TensorRt) 37ms 73.2 71.0



Please refer to INSTALL.md for installation.


# multi-gpu training
cd tools
bash scripts/dist_train.sh 8 --cfg_file <CONFIG_FILE> --sync_bn [other optional arguments]

You can train the model with fp16 setting to save cuda memory, which may occasionally report gradient NaN error.

# fp16 training
cd tools
bash scripts/dist_train.sh 8 --cfg_file <CONFIG_FILE> --sync_bn --fp16 [other optional arguments]


# multi-gpu testing
cd tools
bash scripts/dist_test.sh 8 --cfg_file <CONFIG_FILE> --ckpt <CHECKPOINT_FILE>

Quick Start

  • To cater to users with limited resources who require quick experimentation, we also provide results trained with a single frame of 20% data for 12 epoch on 8 RTX 3090 GPUs.
Performance@(20% Data for 12 epoch) Batch Size Training time mAP/H_L1 mAP/H_L2 Veh_L1 Veh_L2 Ped_L1 Ped_L2 Cyc_L1 Cyc_L2 Log
DSVT(Pillar) 1 ~5.5h 75.3/72.4 69.3/66.4 75.3/74.8 66.9/66.4 79.4/71.7 71.7/64.6 71.9/70.8 69.2/68.1 Log
DSVT(Voxel) 1 ~6.5h 76.2/73.6 69.9/67.4 75.7/75.2 67.2/66.8 80.1/73.7 72.5/66.4 72.8/71.8 70.1/69.1 Log
  • To reproduce the resutls in main paper, please refer the following configs.
Performance@(100% Data for 24 epoch) Batch Size Training time mAP/H_L1 mAP/H_L2 Veh_L1 Veh_L2 Ped_L1 Ped_L2 Cyc_L1 Cyc_L2 Log
DSVT(Pillar) 3 ~22.5h 79.5/77.1 73.2/71.0 79.3/78.8 70.9/70.5 82.8/77.0 75.2/69.8 76.4/75.4 73.6/72.7 Log
DSVT(Voxel) 3 ~27.5h 80.3/78.2 74.0/72.1 79.7/79.3 71.4/71.0 83.7/78.9 76.1/71.5 77.5/76.5 74.6/73.7 Log


Please consider citing our work as follows if it is helpful.

    title={DSVT: Dynamic Sparse Voxel Transformer with Rotated Sets},
    author={Haiyang Wang, Chen Shi, Shaoshuai Shi, Meng Lei, Sen Wang, Di He, Bernt Schiele and Liwei Wang},


This project is based on the following codebases.