- 0
Alternatives for shipping non-python files
#24 opened by faxm0dem - 0
Test fails with Python 3.11
#22 opened by hennk - 1
Dependency with source parameter
#19 opened by mateuszlukaszuk - 1
Non-normalized package names in `pyproject.toml` result in duplicate dependencies in METADATA
#20 opened by edgarrmondragon - 2
Python 3.8 compatibility
#2 opened by Caetan95 - 1
- 0
Support different versions of the same package installed based on the `markers` in the `--only-lock` mode
#15 opened by yurijmikhalevich - 1
What is the default group behaviour?
#14 opened by RoelantStegmann - 1
- 1
Destination path in data_files is absolute
#12 opened by allstrive - 0
- 3
Doesn't work with poetry 1.4 (2023-02-27)
#10 opened by faxm0dem - 1
- 1
Using --only-lock removes extras information
#8 opened by DrManac - 8
Error using poetry@1.2.0b3
#3 opened by Caetan95 - 1
#5 opened by sduenas - 3
Example for usage for Jupyter Extensions
#1 opened by N-Coder