
Password generation, with calculation of entropy assuming attacker knows script and parameters used

Primary LanguagePython

Scripts to create passwords, with goals of memorability, and known-strength. The calculated entropy of the password assumes that the attacker knows what script you used, and with what parameters.

diceware.py [number of words]

This script uses the diceware strategy from http://world.std.com/~reinhold/diceware.html

This method typically has the best memorability at a given level of entropy.

$ ./diceware.py 4
entropy: 51.699250 bits

pairs.py [number of pairs] [whether to randomize capitalization]

This is a simple experiment to create pronounceable gibberish. The output is a string of consonant-vowel-pairs.

$ ./pairs.py 8 f
entropy: 53.713964 bits

chars.py [number of chars]

This is just random characters, drawn from numbers, symbols, and upper and lower case letters.

$ ./chars.py 8
entropy: 52.436711 bits