Built following the wasm-4 snake tutorial, in zig.

See also https://github.com/christopher-kleine/wasm-4-tutorial-games for the tutorial author' alternate implementations in zig and other languages.

Play now


Running locally


$ zig version
$ zig build

Play locally (requires w4):

$ w4 -V
$ w4 run zig-out/lib/cart.wasm

You can also play in w4's wasm engine instead of a browser. For me this fails mysteriously on debug builds (but works when compiling with e.g. -Drelease-small=true).

$ w4 run-native zig-out/lib/cart.wasm

Interesting bits beyond the tutorial

  • log in main.zig is a callback for std/log.zig, and wires up the standard library's logging to the one provided by wasm4 (trace). It uses a fixed size stack-based buffer to format log strings.

  • panic in main.zig is a callback for std/builtin.zig, and overrides the default panic handler. It logs the panic message before calling the default handler (which doesn't).


I'm new to zig, wasm, and wasm4, so this is mostly just a learning exercise.

While zig's error reporting for undefined behavior in debug builds is pretty good normally, I haven't been able to get anything useful in this environment. Pretty much just line 1 > WebAssembly.instantiate:2930.

Other than that I had fun playing with zig, and appreciated the control over memory for this kind of constrained environment. I had fun playing a bit with compile-time logic while writing a logging hook that works without a heap. (I know I could've wired up a standard allocator to a fixed-size buffer, but I wanted to control memory usage more tightly)