dual 4010 toolhead with Stealthburner style leds for dragon hotend/sherpa mini.
- Split mgn12 carriage to faciliate belt installation
- mgn12 carriage has integrated umbilical/zipchain anchor
- integrated klickyNG carriage for both mgn9 and mgn12
- SB leds support
- Removable 4010 fan ducts with large outlets. Should be easy to design and make ducts improvements
- Toolhead has the same mounting pattern as the stock mantis, and should work with other mantis carriage variants for other probe needs
- KlickyNG is not compatible with original Klicky probes. KlickyNG/unklickyNG probes are much easier to build.
- Dragon SF/HF hotend
- Mosquito hotend (experimental)
- sherpa mini extruder
- folded ascender extruder (experimental)
- A bunch of m2x8 and m2x10 self-tapping screws
- Various m3 screws
- heatset m3, 5mm diameter, 4mm tall
- 2x 4010 fans. Delta BFB0412HHA-A or BFB0405HHA-A are recommended
- 1x 3010 fan. Sunon MF30101V1-1000U-A99
- 2x makerbeam XL m3 nut for MGN9 carriage (printed nuts work but they not last)
- Sherpa mini extruder. optional front brace
- Folded ascender extruder
- 3 x 6mmx3mm round magnets
- klickyNG probe
- 4010 fan shroud was based on Minsket's, but the fan duct has been redesigned for airflow/rigidity/upgradability
- Long's mantis toolhead
- Annex Engineering Sherpa Mini extruder
- Annex Engineering Folded Ascender extruder
- KlickyProbe
- Mantis Xol: Double folded ascender/dual 4010/rapido
- DirtyBird toolhead LGX mini/sherpa/dual 4512/Dragon/NF crazy/Rapido
- The common 3mm magnets might actually be 2.7mm thick. If they fit too loose in the carriage, please let me know as I only have magnets that are 3mm thick.
- Discord: foonietunes #4637