
NBA gamelog functions not pulling in regular season data

gabeneslin opened this issue · 4 comments

The when trying to load in regular season data the NBA_leageugamelog function will return an error. For example, calling both
nba_leaguegamelog(season = '2021-22',
player_or_team = "T")

nba_leaguegamelog(season = '2021-22',
player_or_team = "T",
season_type = "Regular Season"

return the following error messages: "Request failed [400]. Retrying in 1.4 seconds...
Request failed [400]. Retrying in 2.9 seconds...
2023-01-10 14:44:55: Invalid arguments or no league game log data for 2021-22 available!
Error in nba_leaguegamelog(season = "2021-22", player_or_team = "T", ) :
object 'df_list' not found"

This error does not occur when using the same function to pull in playoff data, as the following runs just fine:

nba_leaguegamelog(season = '2021-22',
player_or_team = "T",
season_type = "Playoffs"

This error with getting regular season data seems to also exist for other NBA log functions such as nba_playergamelog which also returns an error for regular season data but works for playoff data.


I have the same issue

This is the error:

nba_leaguegamelog(season = '2021-22',

  •               player_or_team = "T",
  •               season_type = "Regular Season"
  • )
    Request failed [500]. Retrying in 1 seconds...
    Request failed [500]. Retrying in 1 seconds...
    2023-03-07 19:07:42: Invalid arguments or no league game log data for 2021-22 available!
    Error in nba_leaguegamelog(season = "2021-22", player_or_team = "T", season_type = "Regular Season") :
    object 'df_list' not found

What version of the package do you have installed? I believe he GitHub version of the package (see the README for install directions) has resolved this... think it was due to the API endpoints changing around a bit but was addressed in #102

Thanks, installing the GitHub version instead of the version on CRAN appears to have fixed this issue for me.