- alsmirnProfiscope
- anarchistMegaByteMumbai
- anjingxz
- BenderVFrance
- casperp
- cphalpertSpotify
- crcrparNVIDIA
- daturkelNew York
- DavidBrodsky21
- emres@tm-data-ict-solutions
- evelynfu
- gjreda@instacart
- greed2411@skit-ai
- gulya@squarespace
- GusSand
- haraballOffenbach am Main, Germany
- jiangplusshenzhen, china
- jonjohansenDeveloper
- jqtrde@mapbox
- MartenPrechtGermany
- mathematixyBUSINESS AND AI
- max-loburTMG
- mhasson
- missionkaoGICE of NTU
- naclontsColorado, United States
- petroswork
- rubescNew York City
- seruman@peak
- shikhir-aroraPresident at @GieselaDev
- simondahla@Spotify
- stephenwithavCharleston, SC
- strongdanJuneau, AK
- Susensio
- thomwolf@huggingface
- troyshuNew York
- TTRh@leboncoin