
[Deprecated] A Terraform module to create an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster with Ocean.

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Spot Ocean EKS Terraform Module

This module is deprecated and will be removed from the registry in 30 days.

Following modules should be used instead -

This repository will not have active support any more.

A Terraform module to create an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster with Spot Ocean. The module will install the Ocean Controller into the cluster.

Table of Contents


For kubectl to connect and interface properly with your Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster, you have to install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) with the aws-iam-authenticator component. Instructions on how to install the following components can be found below:


module "ocean-eks" {
  source = "spotinst/ocean-eks/spotinst"

  # Credentials.
  spotinst_token   = var.spotinst_token
  spotinst_account = var.spotinst_account



Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.1
aws ~> 3.37
kubernetes ~> 2.0
random ~> 3.1
spotinst ~> 1.60


Name Version
aws 3.63.0
random 3.1.0
spotinst 1.62.0


Name Source Version
eks terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws ~> 17.0
ocean-controller spotinst/ocean-controller/spotinst ~> 0.35
vpc terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws >= 2.78.0


Name Type
random_string.suffix resource
spotinst_ocean_aws.this resource
aws_availability_zones.available data source
aws_eks_cluster.cluster data source
aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
ami_id The image ID for the EKS worker nodes. If none is provided, Terraform will search for the latest version of their EKS optimized worker AMI based on platform string null no
associate_public_ip_address Associate a public IP address to worker nodes bool false no
attach_worker_cni_policy Whether to attach the Amazon managed AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy IAM policy to the default worker IAM role. WARNING: If set false the permissions must be assigned to the aws-node DaemonSet pods via another method or nodes will not be able to join the cluster bool true no
autoscaler_cooldown Sets cooldown period between scaling actions number null no
autoscaler_headroom_cpu_per_unit Configures the number of CPUs to allocate the headroom (CPUs are denoted in millicores, where 1000 millicores = 1 vCPU) number null no
autoscaler_headroom_gpu_per_unit Configures the number of GPUs to allocate the headroom number null no
autoscaler_headroom_memory_per_unit Configures the amount of memory (MB) to allocate the headroom number null no
autoscaler_headroom_num_of_units Sets the number of units to retain as headroom, where each unit has the defined headroom CPU and memory number null no
autoscaler_headroom_percentage Sets the auto headroom percentage (a number in the range [0, 200]) which controls the percentage of headroom from the cluster. Relevant only when autoscale_is_auto_config toggled on number null no
autoscaler_is_auto_config Controls whether Ocean Auto Scaler should be auto configured bool true no
autoscaler_is_enabled Controls whether Ocean Auto Scaler should be enabled bool true no
autoscaler_max_scale_down_percentage Sets the maximum percentage (a number in the range [1, 100]) to scale down number null no
autoscaler_resource_limits_max_memory_gib Sets the maximum memory in GiB units that can be allocated to the cluster number null no
autoscaler_resource_limits_max_vcpu Sets the maximum cpu in vCPU units that can be allocated to the cluster number null no
aws_auth_additional_labels Additional kubernetes labels applied on aws-auth ConfigMap map(string) {} no
blacklist List of instance types not allowed in the Ocean cluster (whitelist and blacklist are mutually exclusive) list(string) null no
cidr The CIDR block for the VPC string "" no
cluster_create_endpoint_private_access_sg_rule Whether to create security group rules for the access to the Amazon EKS private API server endpoint bool false no
cluster_create_security_group Whether to create a security group for the cluster or attach the cluster to cluster_security_group_id bool true no
cluster_create_timeout Timeout value when creating the EKS cluster string "30m" no
cluster_delete_timeout Timeout value when deleting the EKS cluster string "15m" no
cluster_enabled_log_types A list of the desired control plane logging to enable. For more information, see Amazon EKS Control Plane Logging documentation (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/control-plane-logs.html) list(string) [] no
cluster_encryption_config Configuration block with encryption configuration for the cluster. See examples/secrets_encryption/main.tf for example format
provider_key_arn = string
resources = list(string)
[] no
cluster_endpoint_private_access Indicates whether or not the Amazon EKS private API server endpoint is enabled bool false no
cluster_endpoint_private_access_cidrs List of CIDR blocks which can access the Amazon EKS private API server endpoint list(string) null no
cluster_endpoint_public_access Indicates whether or not the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint is enabled bool true no
cluster_endpoint_public_access_cidrs List of CIDR blocks which can access the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint list(string)
cluster_iam_role_name IAM role name for the cluster. Only applicable if manage_cluster_iam_resources is set to false string "" no
cluster_identifier Cluster identifier string null no
cluster_log_kms_key_id If a KMS Key ARN is set, this key will be used to encrypt the corresponding log group. Please be sure that the KMS Key has an appropriate key policy (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/encrypt-log-data-kms.html) string "" no
cluster_log_retention_in_days Number of days to retain log events. Default retention - 90 days number 90 no
cluster_name Name of the EKS cluster. Also used as a prefix in names of related resources string null no
cluster_security_group_id If provided, the EKS cluster will be attached to this security group. If not given, a security group will be created with necessary ingress/egress to work with the workers string "" no
cluster_version Kubernetes version to use for the EKS cluster string "1.18" no
controller_disable_auto_update Controls whether the auto-update feature should be disabled for the Ocean Controller bool false no
controller_image Set the Docker image name for the Ocean Controller that should be deployed string "gcr.io/spotinst-artifacts/kubernetes-cluster-controller" no
controller_node_selector Specifies the node selector which must match a node's labels for the Ocean Controller resources to be scheduled on that node map(string) null no
controller_resources_limits Specifies the definition of the maximum amount of compute resources allowed map(any) null no
controller_resources_requests Specifies the definition of the minimum amount of compute resources required map(any) null no
create_eks Controls whether EKS resources should be created (it affects almost all resources) bool true no
create_fargate_pod_execution_role Controls whether the EKS Fargate pod execution IAM role should be created bool true no
create_ocean Controls whether Ocean should be created (it affects all Ocean resources) bool true no
desired_capacity The number of worker nodes to launch and maintain in the Ocean cluster number 1 no
eks_oidc_root_ca_thumbprint Thumbprint of Root CA for EKS OIDC, Valid until 2037 string "9e99a48a9960b14926bb7f3b02e22da2b0ab7280" no
enable_irsa Whether to create OpenID Connect Provider for EKS to enable IRSA bool false no
enable_nat_gateway Should be true if you want to provision NAT Gateways for each of your private networks bool true no
external_nat_ip_ids List of EIP IDs to be assigned to the NAT Gateways (used in combination with reuse_nat_ips) list(string) [] no
fargate_pod_execution_role_name The IAM Role that provides permissions for the EKS Fargate Profile string null no
fargate_profiles Fargate profiles to create. See fargate_profile keys section in fargate submodule's README.md for more details any {} no
iam_path If provided, all IAM roles will be created on this path string "/" no
image_pull_policy Image pull policy (one of: Always, Never, IfNotPresent) string "Always" no
key_name The key pair to attach to the worker nodes launched by Ocean string null no
kubeconfig_aws_authenticator_additional_args Any additional arguments to pass to the authenticator such as the role to assume. e.g. ["-r", "MyEksRole"] list(string) [] no
kubeconfig_aws_authenticator_command Command to use to fetch AWS EKS credentials string "aws-iam-authenticator" no
kubeconfig_aws_authenticator_command_args Default arguments passed to the authenticator command. Defaults to [token -i $cluster_name] list(string) [] no
kubeconfig_aws_authenticator_env_variables Environment variables that should be used when executing the authenticator. e.g. { AWS_PROFILE = "eks"} map(string) {} no
kubeconfig_file_permission File permission of the Kubectl config file containing cluster configuration saved to kubeconfig_output_path. string "0600" no
kubeconfig_name Override the default name used for items kubeconfig string "" no
kubeconfig_output_path Where to save the Kubectl config file (if write_kubeconfig = true). Assumed to be a directory if the value ends with a forward slash / string "./" no
manage_aws_auth Whether to apply the aws-auth configmap file bool true no
manage_cluster_iam_resources Whether to let the module manage cluster IAM resources. If set to false, cluster_iam_role_name must be specified bool true no
manage_worker_iam_resources Whether to let the module manage worker IAM resources. If set to false, iam_instance_profile_name must be specified for workers bool true no
map_accounts Additional AWS account numbers to add to the aws-auth configmap. See examples/basic/variables.tf for example format list(string) [] no
map_roles Additional IAM roles to add to the aws-auth configmap. See examples/basic/variables.tf for example format
rolearn = string
username = string
groups = list(string)
[] no
map_users Additional IAM users to add to the aws-auth configmap. See examples/basic/variables.tf for example format
userarn = string
username = string
groups = list(string)
[] no
max_size The upper limit of worker nodes the Ocean cluster can scale up to number null no
min_size The lower limit of worker nodes the Ocean cluster can scale down to number null no
node_groups Map of map of node groups to create. See node_groups module's documentation for more details any {} no
node_groups_defaults Map of values to be applied to all node groups. See node_groups module's documentation for more details any {} no
one_nat_gateway_per_az Should be true if you want only one NAT Gateway per availability zone bool false no
permissions_boundary If provided, all IAM roles will be created with this permissions boundary attached string null no
private_subnets A list of private subnets inside the VPC list(string)
public_subnets A list of public subnets inside the VPC list(string)
reuse_nat_ips Should be true if you don't want EIPs to be created for your NAT Gateways and will instead pass them in via the 'external_nat_ip_ids' variable bool false no
root_volume_size The size (in GiB) to allocate for the root volume string null no
single_nat_gateway Should be true if you want to provision a single shared NAT Gateway across all of your private networks bool true no
spot_percentage Sets the percentage of nodes that should be Spot (vs On-Demand) in the cluster number null no
spotinst_account Spot account ID string n/a yes
spotinst_token Spot Personal Access token string n/a yes
subnets A list of subnets to place the EKS cluster and workers within list(string) null no
tags A map of tags to add to all resources. Tags added to launch configuration or templates override these values for ASG Tags only map(string) {} no
update_policy Configures the cluster update policy
should_roll = bool
batch_size_percentage = number
launch_spec_ids = list(string)
null no
vpc_id VPC where the cluster and workers will be deployed string null no
whitelist List of instance types allowed in the Ocean cluster (whitelist and blacklist are mutually exclusive) list(string) null no
worker_additional_security_group_ids A list of additional security group ids to attach to worker instances list(string) [] no
worker_ami_name_filter Name filter for AWS EKS worker AMI. If not provided, the latest official AMI for the specified 'cluster_version' is used string "" no
worker_ami_name_filter_windows Name filter for AWS EKS Windows worker AMI. If not provided, the latest official AMI for the specified 'cluster_version' is used string "" no
worker_ami_owner_id The ID of the owner for the AMI to use for the AWS EKS workers. Valid values are an AWS account ID, 'self' (the current account), or an AWS owner alias (e.g. 'amazon', 'aws-marketplace', 'microsoft') string "amazon" no
worker_ami_owner_id_windows The ID of the owner for the AMI to use for the AWS EKS Windows workers. Valid values are an AWS account ID, 'self' (the current account), or an AWS owner alias (e.g. 'amazon', 'aws-marketplace', 'microsoft') string "amazon" no
worker_create_cluster_primary_security_group_rules Whether to create security group rules to allow communication between pods on workers and pods using the primary cluster security group bool false no
worker_create_initial_lifecycle_hooks Whether to create initial lifecycle hooks provided in worker groups bool false no
worker_create_security_group Whether to create a security group for the workers or attach the workers to worker_security_group_id bool true no
worker_groups A list of maps defining worker group configurations to be defined using AWS Launch Configurations. See workers_group_defaults for valid keys any
"asg_desired_capacity": 0,
"asg_max_size": 0,
"asg_min_size": 0
worker_groups_launch_template A list of maps defining worker group configurations to be defined using AWS Launch Templates. See workers_group_defaults for valid keys any [] no
worker_security_group_id If provided, all workers will be attached to this security group. If not given, a security group will be created with necessary ingress/egress to work with the EKS cluster string "" no
worker_sg_ingress_from_port Minimum port number from which pods will accept communication. Must be changed to a lower value if some pods in your cluster will expose a port lower than 1025 (e.g. 22, 80, or 443) number 1025 no
worker_user_data User data to pass to worker node instances. If none is provided, a default Linux EKS bootstrap script is used string null no
workers_additional_policies Additional policies to be added to workers list(string) [] no
workers_group_defaults Override default values for target groups. See workers_group_defaults_defaults in local.tf for valid keys any {} no
workers_role_name User defined workers role name string "" no
write_kubeconfig Whether to write a Kubectl config file containing the cluster configuration. Saved to kubeconfig_output_path bool true no


Name Description
cloudwatch_log_group_arn ARN of cloudwatch log group created
cloudwatch_log_group_name Name of cloudwatch log group created
cluster_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster
cluster_ca_certificate Cluster CA certificate (base64 encoded)
cluster_certificate_authority_data Nested attribute containing certificate-authority-data for your cluster. This is the base64 encoded certificate data required to communicate with your cluster
cluster_endpoint The endpoint for your EKS Kubernetes API
cluster_iam_role_arn IAM role ARN of the EKS cluster
cluster_iam_role_name IAM role name of the EKS cluster
cluster_id The name/id of the EKS cluster. Will block on cluster creation until the cluster is really ready
cluster_oidc_issuer_url The URL on the EKS cluster OIDC Issuer
cluster_primary_security_group_id The cluster primary security group ID created by the EKS cluster on 1.14 or later. Referred to as 'Cluster security group' in the EKS console
cluster_security_group_id Security group ID attached to the EKS cluster. On 1.14 or later, this is the 'Additional security groups' in the EKS console
cluster_token The token to use to authenticate with the cluster
cluster_version The Kubernetes server version for the EKS cluster
config_map_aws_auth A kubernetes configuration to authenticate to this EKS cluster
kubeconfig kubectl config file contents for this EKS cluster
kubeconfig_filename The filename of the generated kubectl config
ocean_cluster_id The ID of the Ocean cluster
ocean_controller_id The ID of the Ocean controller
oidc_provider_arn The ARN of the OIDC Provider if enable_irsa = true
security_group_rule_cluster_https_worker_ingress Security group rule responsible for allowing pods to communicate with the EKS cluster API
worker_iam_instance_profile_arns Default IAM instance profile ARN for EKS worker groups
worker_iam_instance_profile_names Default IAM instance profile name for EKS worker groups
worker_iam_role_arn Default IAM role ARN for EKS worker groups
worker_iam_role_name Default IAM role name for EKS worker groups
worker_security_group_id Security group ID attached to the EKS workers
workers_default_ami_id ID of the default worker group AMI
workers_user_data User data of worker groups


If you're new to Spot and want to get started, please checkout our Getting Started guide, available on the Spot Documentation website.

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Code is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.