Frontend Development with Rust and Leptos

This repository contains a collection of demonstration projects showcasing frontend development using Rust and Leptos. These examples are designed for educational purposes and are not production-ready.

Getting Started

Devcontainer Setup

This repository includes a Devcontainer configuration to streamline the development environment setup. Please use it to ensure all necessary dependencies and tools are correctly installed and configured.

Running an Example

To run a specific example, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the desired example directory:

    cd <repository_root>/packages/<example_name>
  2. Start the development server using trunk:

    trunk serve
  3. Open your browser and navigate to the local development server (usually http://localhost:8080) to interact with the example.

Important Notes

  • These examples are demonstration-only projects and are not ready for production.
  • Feel free to explore, modify, and experiment with the examples.
