Micro Apps with Web Components and Angular Elements

This example consists of three Angular projects that demonstrate how to use Web Components/ Angular Elements to implement a shell that loads micro apps:

  • shell (/src): Shell loading micro apps
  • client-a (/projects/client-a): Demo micro app
  • client-b (/projects/client-b): Another demo micro app

Install Dependencies

npm install

Everything together

on development:

npm run shell
npm run client-a
npm run client-b

in browser:


with standalone server:

npm run build
npm start

Open issues?


In "serve" mode, how can I include js.map


How to create a securityContext in web component to use the JWT without manual handover

Will the cookie be used in PA environment?

How to deal with that on localhost? static JWT? (on FTZ/DEV expired JWTs are ok)


Angular Update v6 -> v7

npx ng update @angular/cli@v7-lts @angular/core@v7-lts @angular-extensions/elements@7x-versions

Update ngx-build-plus from v1.1.0 -> angular 7 compatible version

remove ngx-build-plus from package.json, delete node_modules

npx ng add ngx-build-plus@^7
npx ng add @angular-devkit/build-angular@v7-lts

update failed for me

npm ls ...