
Utility to read/manipulate iPod nano SilverDB resource databases

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A utility to read and modify the contents of SilverDB files within iPod firmware. Tested on 5th, 6th, and 7th generation iPod nanos.


For up-to-date information, run silverutil -h:

Usage: silverutil <COMMAND>

  extract  Extracts sections within database into a YAML representation
  info     Displays information about contents present within sections
  create   Creates a database from a YAML representation
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Each section is transformed to a separate YAML file. An example of a such a representation is as follows, from the section StrT (named StrT.yaml):

magic: StrT
is_sequential: 1
- id: 1
  contents: !String orientation.landscape
- id: 2
  contents: !String orientation.alt
# [... continues ...]

The special file metadata.yaml is used to preserve the order of sections.


Within the external rsrc ("iPod Resources") filesystem, UI translations and date/time locale can be found in SilverDB.xx_XX.LE.bin), along with bitmap images in SilverImagesDB.LE.bin. There is an additional database internal to osos containing upwards of 40 sections, depending on the version. This contains the default en_US translation.

For detailed information into the format of SilverDB files, please see SilverDB Format or its respective Kaitai Struct definition.