
WP Online Support, portfolio plugin

Primary LanguagePHP


WP Online Support, portfolio plugin

Back-end :

  • Create plugin Portfolio
  • Create Custom Post Type (Portfolio) with Custom Taxonomy (portfolio cat)
  • Custom Post Type contain 2 custom field 1) Image upload 2) Text
  • Create short-code with following parameter - Post Display limit - Post feature image display (true/false)

Front-end :

  • Display by-default 5 post with featured image and title.
  • When click on title or feature image open popup and display post related content - Post title - Post Content - Post custom field data (Image and Text)

== Features ==

  • This plugin requires “Advanced custom fields” for text and image
  • After installing this plugin, import the ACF field group from the JSON available in “acf-json” folder
  • Use short code [wpos-show-portfolio] to add the custom posts to any page
  • “display-image” parameter can be used with values 0 or 1 to turn on/off display of featured image on the front end
  • “limit” parameter can be used with the short code for limiting the display of posts on the front end
  • eg: [wpos-show-portfolio limit=10 isplay-image=0]