
Swift library for dealing with Kubernetes

Primary LanguageSwift


A Pure-Swift Kubernetes Client

Make Commands

  • make import
    • Copies over proto files located in k8s.io into protos file so that they can be brought into project
  • make sync-protos
    • Copies proto file from protos directory and places them in the Sources/K8s directory so that they can be buillt with the project NOTE: you may need to add this file into Xcode

Hitting REST-API for Local Cluster

  • Get Token with
    • Copy this token, it becomes the bearer token in all future requests
 kubectl get secrets \
    -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.type=="kubernetes.io/service-account-token")].data.token}' \
    | base64 --decode
  • Get the URL of the cluster you are trying to hit
    • Any one of these URLS should work
kubectl config view -o \
