
REST-API that serves meta data for SB's corpora and lexicons

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


REST-API that serves meta data for SB's corpora, lexicons and models.



Available API calls:

  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata: List all resources in three dictionaries (corpora, lexicons, and models)
  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata/corpora: List all corpora
  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata/lexicons: List all lexicons
  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata/models: List all models
  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata/collections: List all collections
  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata?resource=saldo: List one specific resource. Add long description from SVN (if available)
  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata/list_ids: List all existing resource IDs
  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata/check-id-availability?id=my-resource: Check if a given resource ID is free
  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata/doc: Serve API documentation as YAML
  • https://ws.spraakbanken.gu.se/ws/metadata/renew-cache: Flush cache and fill with fresh values

Installation (SBX-specific)

  • Install requirements from requirements.txt, e.g. with a (virtual environment):

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Get an initial copy of the metadata files (YAML and META-SHARE):

     git clone https://github.com/spraakbanken/metadata.git
  • Add entry in supervisord config:

    command=%(ENV_HOME)s/metadata-api/venv/bin/gunicorn --chdir %(ENV_HOME)s/metadata-api -b "" metadata_api:create_app()
  • Set up cron job that periodically runs the update script which

    • updates the metadata files stored in git
    • runs the python script for parsing these files
    • updates the repository from GitHub and restarts the service if needed
    • creates missing META-SHARE files

    The following cron job is run on fksbwww@k2:

    # Update sb-metadata from GitHub and restart if needed
    50 * * * * cd /home/fksbwww/metadata-api && ./update_metadata.sh > /dev/null


A collection is a "meta" metadata entry which is used to summarize multiple resources. Collections are supplied as YAML files. The resource-IDs belonging to a collection can either be supplied as a list in the YAML (with the 'resources' key) or each resource can state which collection(s) it belongs to in its YAML (with the 'in_collections' key which holds a list of collection IDs). The size of the collection is calculated automatically. A collection may have a resource description in its YAML.


Resources with the attribute "unlisted": true will not be listed in the data list on the web page, but they can be accessed directly via their URL. This is used as a quick and dirty versioning system.


The successors attribute can be used for resources that have been superseded by one or more other resources (e.g. newer versions). This attribute holds a list of resource IDs.