This is a currency converter that uses Fixer's data to correctly convert rates between different currencies.

The rates are updated every 2 hours.


Go to the live link to use the website.

Additionally, you can run it locally by running node server.js after edditing line 222 on server.js from

app.listen(process.env.PORT, () => console.log('Currency converter listening'))


app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Currency converter listening'))

Make sure to first install all needed packages by running

npm install

This should run the node server and the page should be live on localhost:3000

Technologies used

This project used the following technologies:

  • Node.js
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • heroku(for deployment)

Special Features

  • This currency converter automatically does API calls for fresh rates every 2 hrs.
  • It holds the rates server side.
  • All the available currencies are updated dynamically.
  • All the calculations and conversions are done server side resulting into the api Key being hidden very efficiently. This also results in a faster fetch as the server has been holding data and isn't relying on getting live rates from the external API.