
Plugin for ZSH to source Python environments upon `cd`-ing

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Plugin for ZSH to source Python environments upon cd-ing

I kept looking for one that worked well with my setup, but none of them worked when fuzzy-finding a folder using fzf modified to use fd.

Why Pipenv?

Because it makes it easier to manage virtual environments and dependencies for each project.

Why fzf and fd

Because it be fast as frick boy.

Largely inspired by Anon-Guy-yapipenv.zsh, but

  • checks for Pipfile in folder, if found:
    • but another venv is active, then switch over
    • otherwise activate the specified venv
  • sets out as an alias to deactivate the venv

Installation instructions

  • make sure you have pipenv installed
  • cd into ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugin and git clone https://github.com/spramij/give-me-pipenv-zsh.git
  • open ~/.zshrc and add give-me-pipenv-zsh to your plugin list
    • might be different if you're not using oh-my-zsh !


  • install pipes on your system
  • install fzf and fd
  • activate the fzf plugin for ZSH (just add it to the list of plugins in .zshrc)
  • add the following to zshrc:
    export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fd --type f --color always "
    export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--ansi --border'
    export FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND="fd --type d"
  • the plugin is compatible with VSCode, and pipes: run pipes to view all current Pipenv environments, select one and you'll teleport to it. Afterwards, press Ctrl+D to exit the venv, or cd into a project where you know another Pipenv is setup, and it'll switch over