Frequent Pattern Mining By Simon David Pratt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A brief foray into frequent pattern mining. This project was used by the author as a term project in COMP4106: Artificial Intelligence at Carleton University in the Fall of 2012. Implementations: - [X] Apriori - [X] FP-Growth - [X] Eclat The following datasets were retrieved from the FIMI dataset repository [1] on December 6th, 2012: - data/chess.dat - data/connect.dat - data/mushroom.dat - data/pumsb.dat - data/pumsb_star.dat Resources used: - [1]: - - Frequent pattern mining: current status and future directions, Jiawei Han and Hong Cheng and Dong Xin and Xifeng Yan, 2007. - Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques (Second Ed.) Jiawei Han, 2006.