
Using MLLib in Spark to train a ML model for wine quality prediction.

Primary LanguagePython


Using MLLib in Spark to train a ML model for wine quality prediction.

Setup Information

  • Start EMR instance in AWS with the following configurations
    • Provide the cluster name
    • emr-6.10.0 -> Spark 3.3.1 on Hadoop 3.3.3 YARN with and Zeppelin 0.10.1
    • 1 Primary instance and 3 Core Instance
      • m5.xlarge with minimum EBS storage
    • Enable -> Manually terminate cluster
    • Use the EC2 Key Pair already existing or create a new one
    • Amazon EMR service role(Default) -> EMR_DefaultRole
    • Instance Profile(Default) -> EMR_EC2_DefaultRole
  • Create cluster with the above configurations.
  • Connect to the cluster primary instance using ssh

Environment setup in EC2 Primary Instance

  • Do aws configure and store the aws credentials
  • Install flintrock pip install flintrock
  • add(export) path of flintrock to PATH variable
  • Do flintrock configure and update the config.yml file with required configurations.
  • Copy the Key Pair generated to the instance.
  • Do chmod 400 {keypair.pem}
  • Do flintrock launch {cluster-name} - Launches the flintrock with the environment specified in config file.
  • Do flintrock copy-file {cluster-name} {LocalFile} {RemoteDirectory} - Copies the required files to the flintrock instance.
  • Do flintrock login {cluster-name} - Logs in to the flintrock environment that has preinstalled spark and hadoop.

Flintrock Environment Setup

  • Do aws configure and store the aws credentials
  • Install pyspark, boto3, pandas, scikit-learn -> pip install {package}
  • Using the python file run the following command. Get master instance by running flintrock describe ml-cluster After launching flintrock.
spark-submit --deploy-mode client --master spark://{master-instance}:7077 wq_trainmodel.py
  • Files available in github
    • wq_trainmodel.py - For taining the model using TrainingDataset.csv which is taken from s3 bucket. Note: Please create a directory data before executing the following file.
    • wq_validatemodel.py - Validates the model using ValidationDataset.csv which is taken from s3 bucket. Returns F1 score.
    • wq_testmodel.py - Takes one argument and gives the f1 score or accuracy for the test csv data provided.
      • Argument can be "s3" if the file is taken from s3 bucket.
      • Argument can be csv file used to test.
    • wq_testmodel_Local.py - Can be implemented without hadoop file system.

Wine Quality Prediction Model Summary

Training the model

  • TrainingDataset.csv is obtained from S3 bucket and a dataframe is created for it.
  • Obtained the dataframe as features and lables to be used for model training using vector assembler
  • The trained model is tested with validation dataset to fine tune the hyperparameters.
  • Good results were shown for RandomForestClassifier with maxDepth=6, numTrees=30, impurity="gini"
  • The trained model is saved and stored in s3 bucket.

Validating the model

  • ValidationDataset.csv is obtained from s3 bucket and a dataframe is created for it.
  • The model to test the validation data frame is also taken from s3 bucket.
  • Model is loaded as a RandomForestClassificationModel and tested with the validation data set.
  • The result shows the F1 score of the validation data set.

Github link


Docker Implementation

  • Created a flask application with integration of prediction model.
  • Image is preloaded with trained model, hence it can be deployed anywhere and only the csv file is required to be uploaded as input.
  • Dockerfile is placed at the root of the application with required commands to build the project.
  • Docker image is created using the command docker build -t mlapp .
  • Docker image is deployed using the command docker run mlapp
  • The application can be accessed from the browser with the host address.
  • Docker image is tagged to be uploaded to the dockerhub. docker tag mlapp sr2484/sparkml_pa2:latest
  • Docker image is pushed to dockerhub with the command docker push sr2484/sparkml_pa2:latest

Deploy docker image

  • Image can be pulled with the command docker pull sr2484/sparkml_pa2:latest
  • Run the docker run command docker run -p 8000:80 sr2484/sparkml_pa2:latest

DockerHub link
