Building block for spree social networking features (provides authentication and account linkage)
- 0
No route matches [GET] "/users/auth/facebook/callback"
#160 opened by ninjz - 0
- 0
- 0
[Spree4.2.0.rc5] NameError (undefined local variable or method `current_currency' for #<Spree::OmniauthCallbacksController
#246 opened by hoshinotsuyoshi - 1
Possible conflict between spree_social and spree_18n because of the routing-filter gem
#243 opened by vascosantos - 0
Show authentication menu only if user able with cancancan
#241 opened by ronzalo - 0
- 0
does not validate empty password being add
#236 opened by andretf - 2
OmniAuth hardcoded info_fields
#223 opened by mightymatth - 5
spree frontend MyAccount Link is not working
#202 opened by mohansiriga7 - 11
404 Not Found unless spree engine mounted as /
#107 opened by danil-z - 0
If this package support scopes other than 'email'?
#200 opened by cai-q - 2
Facebook OAuth: The parameter app_id is required
#205 opened by yoonwaiyan - 4
- 7
- 8
problem with devise :omniauthable
#193 opened by eniwito - 1
- 0
cannot create test application in spec
#191 opened by vkdimitrov - 2
- 0
bundle installation fails with gemspec error
#179 opened by SurajShukla - 0
Login with Amazon not working
#174 opened by nitin007 - 0
Email is not provided by Twitter and Github
#172 opened by Mafi88 - 1
could not add gem to Gemfile in spree 3.0.4
#166 opened by lmahendra - 1
- 0
Can't modify frozen Array (RuntimeError)
#171 opened by richardschembri - 4
- 3
Facebook login problem Invalid Scopes: offline_access.
#162 opened by Godweed - 1
Spree_social not working in Production
#157 opened by amOK13 - 1
- 5
What about 3-0-stable branch?
#152 opened by romul - 0
uninitialized constant OmniAuth
#151 opened by jeffingo - 2
- 1
Disable ability to use 3rd party devise-modules (i.e. devise_invitable)
#143 opened by vladimir-shidlovsky - 4
git://github.com/spree/spree.git (at 2-4-stable) is not yet checked out error after bundle install
#147 opened by thiyagarajan - 4
Spree_social breaks confirmation email url.
#150 opened by unikoid - 1
Install Generator Fails When Spree CSS Is Missing
#148 opened by MattDunbar - 2
looking 2.4.x branch for spree 2.4.x
#146 opened by thiyagarajan - 3
- 1
- 1
Sign in with Facebook book
#119 opened by sjayanna - 4
Route error after user denies access
#113 opened by alexandremcosta - 5
In airbrake - RuntimeError: Could not find a valid mapping for path "/users/auth/facebook/callback"
#130 opened by railsfactory-raju - 1
does this work with spree 2.3.2
#140 opened by Em01 - 12
Could not find a valid mapping for path "/users/auth/google_oauth2/callback"
#137 opened by jameshilliard - 3
- 9
undefined method `to_key' for :spree_user:Symbol
#106 opened by picazoH - 2
Bug with dummy app for testing
#116 opened by jackkinsella - 1
- 4
forget password link broken as uninitialized constant Spree::PasswordsController
#112 opened by railsfactory-raju - 3
Conflict between Spree_social and Spree_auth_devise
#109 opened by ayraju