
A blog program for me to learn Django & Web.

Primary LanguagePython


A blog program for me to learn Django & Web.

Build & Run


$ sudo pip install -U django djangorestframework pillow

pillow is required by Django ImageField.

Create PyCharm Project

Create a new project in PyCharm with "File / New Project...", specify the path to mysite as the location, e.g., /home/adam/github/blog-ginko/mysite.

PyCharm will ask:

The directory '...' is not empty. Would you like to create a project from existing sources instead?

Click Yes. Follow the instructions, then your projcet should be opened in PyCharm.

Migrate DB

Sqlite3 is used during the development. Run migrate.sh to migrate the DB:

$ ./migrate.h

migrate.sh is no magic but the following commands:

rm -r blog/migrations
python3 manage.py makemigrations ginko
python3 manage.py migrate

This will recreate DB tables (If your DB is sqlite3, there will be a file named "db.sqlite3" under current folder). You need to do this almost whenever you change the fields of your models.


$ ./run.sh

Which is actually:

$ python3 manage.py runserver

Now you should be able to access in your Browser.