spring-cloud-scheduler-cloudfoundry is no longer actively maintained by VMware, Inc.

Spring Cloud Scheduler Cloud Foundry Build Status Stories Ready Stories In Progress

The Spring Cloud Scheduler Cloud Foundry project provides a means to schedule short lived tasks to Cloud Foundry based on the Spring Cloud Scheduler SPI.


Clone the repo and type

$ ./mvnw clean install

Below is a short list of common Spring Boot @ConfigurationProperties (in environment variable format) that you will need to set in order to deploy applications to Cloud Foundry:

# url of the CF API (used when using cf login -a for example)

# name of the space into which modules will be deployed

# name of the organization that owns the space above

# the root domain to use when mapping routes

# Comma separated set of service instance names to bind to the deployed app

# username and password of the user to use to create apps

# whether to allow self-signed certificates during SSL validation

Refer to CloudFoundryConnectionProperties.java for a complete listing.

Integration Testing

The integration tests have a rule that will check to see if a Cloud Foundry instance can be reached, if so then it will run the integration tests. If no Cloud Foundry instance can be reached then the integration tests will be skipped.