Security concerns for distributed applications implemented in Spring
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a bean of type 'org.springframework.cloud.commons.security.AccessTokenContextRelay' that could not be found.
#251 opened by damon008 - 1
#256 opened by tengfei666666 - 0
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What project to migrate to?
#250 opened by shayandaneshvar - 0
Do you have oauth2 migration demo?
#253 opened by damon008 - 2
a bean of type 'org.springframework.cloud.commons.security.AccessTokenContextRelay' that could not be found.
#252 opened by damon008 - 36
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JdbcTokenStore Invalid Authorization code
#161 opened by shahbour - 3
Spring cloud security with CAS
#209 opened by thirunar - 3
Use ClientId and ClientSecret for token refresh
#241 opened by rcbandit111 - 3
If oauth2 token issued at time and system time difference is more than 60secs, necessary logs are not captured.
#246 opened by ajaythompson - 3
Do you have oauth2 migration demo?
#228 opened by chehongwei-git - 4
Can't find OAuth2RestTemplate when relay OAuth2 JWT token between resource servers.
#233 opened by jaggerwang - 6
Handling error: NestedServletException, Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.StackOverflowError
#219 opened by GuoxinL - 4
@AuthorizationServer And @Configuration
#248 opened by hongji3354 - 0
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TokenRelayGatewayFilterFactory is a deprecated class only in spring-cloud-security.2.2.2.RELEASE
#244 opened by revoorunischal - 4
OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor do not reauthentificate when refresh token is expired
#224 opened by michmzr - 1
TokenRelayAutoConfiguration can't find ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository
#234 opened by ChenZheOnePiece - 2
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Spring Cloud Gateway java based RouteLocator not working with Spring Cloud Security
#230 opened by SudBisht - 0
Spelling error in documentation
#229 opened by Rhichie - 2
config property "security.resource.jwt.key-uri" caused UnknownHostException
#227 opened by AnnieCattice - 2
feign has conflict with @EnableWebFluxSecurity
#226 opened by xinghen110 - 3
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What's the difference between spring cloud security and spring boot security
#215 opened by SparkZhou1994 - 0
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When using TokenRelayGatewayFilterFactory, spring cloud gateway can not be deploy to more than 1 instance.
#210 opened by eisig - 6
How to add a custom tokenGranter bean,for example I want to add a custom tokenGranter named MobileTokenGranter ,it can get access_token from user's sms code to authencate
#211 opened by 99bird - 2
Error creating tokenRelayGatewayFilterFactory in GatewayAutoConfiguration
#174 opened by mehdichitforoosh - 3
Authentication Server (/oauth/token) is not working after migration to latest Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
#160 opened by enayetullah - 3
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spring-cloud-security-dependencies:2.1.0.RELEASE depends against spring-security-oauth2-autoconfigure 2.1.0.M4
#172 opened by habuma - 1
Annotation in controller?
#170 opened by zqr95518 - 1
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OAuth2RestOperations ClassNotFoundException at runtime
#166 opened by maxiwu - 1
ClassNotFoundException: OAuth2RestOperations
#167 opened by maxiwu - 7
OAuth2TokenRelayFilter not forwarding the token
#164 opened by pparasnis - 1
Eureka cluster can't copy another server
#163 opened by zl7261 - 1
OAuth2 can't work with Spring Cloud gateway
#162 opened by yqbjtu - 1
Feign client and security context
#159 opened by Amraneze