Common build concerns, shared plugin configuration, etc. for Spring Cloud modules
- 3
Upgrade maven-failsafe-plugin.version to the latest
#351 opened by wind57 - 1
Why remove master branch?
#328 opened by SkyeBeFreeman - 7
- 0
Antora branch for {github-code} uses `docs-build` as current branch rather than actual branch
#244 opened by spencergibb - 1
- 0
Move away from spring-doc-resources
#242 opened by marcingrzejszczak - 5
Bug: Use Checkstyle file error
#240 opened by yuluo-yx - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
incorrect formatting for a record + @DefaultValue
#236 opened by wind57 - 0
No syntax highlighting in docs
#232 opened by tomazfernandes - 1
Cannot run mvn install according to the doc
#228 opened by DanielYWoo - 4
Hoxton.SR5 BOM inadvertently pulls in Spring Boot 2.3.0 when using the Gradle native BOM support
#167 opened by csabakos - 0
- 3
- 8
De-listed Maven Central versions
#223 opened by Fiouz - 0
Integrate duplicate finder
#219 opened by spencergibb - 0
Remove obsolete documentation references
#217 opened by robertmcnees - 1
- 3
- 2
- 0
- 2
run bats in docker image
#163 opened by spencergibb - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
Add Checkstyle exception to allow org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows
#164 opened by dturanski - 0
2.2.x build fails on docs bats test
#150 opened by OlgaMaciaszek - 0
Pitest (mutation testing) integration
#154 opened by marcingrzejszczak - 1
Upgrade boot to 2.3.0.M3
#153 opened by spencergibb - 1
Will spring-cloud-build move to spring-boot 2.3.x?
#149 opened by elefeint - 0
Checkstyle does not fail for System.out.println
#146 opened by mminella - 1
- 0
- 1
Spring Cloud service won't start when cloud:spring-cloud-starter-aws-messaging is included.
#147 opened by ch4dwick - 9
- 1
Fix Project Doc Links
#142 opened by ryanjbaxter - 0
Document disable.checks in readme
#143 opened by spencergibb - 0
- 0
For meta-release ghpages.sh clones spring-cloud-static for every project
#140 opened by marcingrzejszczak - 1
- 1
bats tests failing on ci
#136 opened by spencergibb - 0
Add nohttp checkstyle integration
#134 opened by OlgaMaciaszek - 0
Add docs somewhere that PRs to guides should take place in the project repo not the guides org
#132 opened by marcingrzejszczak - 0
Add javadoc aggregation
#133 opened by marcingrzejszczak - 0
Add support for automatic guide updates
#131 opened by marcingrzejszczak - 1
Bats tests causing failure on OSX
#130 opened by ryanjbaxter - 0
Bats test still run when -DskipTests
#129 opened by spencergibb - 0
Migrate checkstyle dtd urls
#128 opened by spencergibb