- 2
TracingKafkaReceiver incorrectly sets traceId and spanId for all records in a batch
#2353 opened by kartik-turtle - 2
Baggage propagation stop working after switching from B3 to either W3C or AWS
#2345 opened by junhuangli - 4
DataSource Proxy + Spring Could Sleuth not working
#2337 opened by adityazagade - 0
docs: Getting Started Image Not found
#2336 opened by CHOICORE - 3
LazyTraceThreadPoolTaskExecutor.getQueueSize() does not call a delegate and always returns 0
#2315 opened by vg2902 - 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
propagation-keys when header is empty
#2293 opened by StevenWillyS - 3
TraceContext will be lost when exiting @Transactional code
#2296 opened by Kurok1 - 5
Missing traceId when using spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit consumer listeners.
#2300 opened by Toxa45 - 1
cannot access a member of class with modifiers "public"
#2278 opened by stefan-g - 2
- 1
Sleuth - Not setting MDC with new span id when request is sent with WebClient
#2347 opened by pratapjai143 - 1
Not able to set the traceId and spandId which was recieved at the subscriber end in web-socket with stomp message communication.
#2346 opened by yatamraghu7 - 1
Why doesn't Sleuth enable Scope when create Span for Kafka Streams by default?
#2343 opened by lianej - 1
sleuth-3.1.9+datasource-proxy-1.10+flowable-6.8.0 Unable to start the springboot project properly
#2342 opened by 845146913 - 1
spring.zipkin.discoveryClientEnabled ignored when the traced app is webflux
#2339 opened by codefromthecrypt - 3
`TraceableExecutorService` does not terminate tests when wrapping the `ForkJoinPool.commonPool()`
#2291 opened by TheBestPessimist - 0
- 14
StackOverflowError on Span end when zipkin is sampling
#2274 opened by Pgaze - 9
Duplicated spans for cassandra
#2277 opened by maciej-gromul - 6
Sleuth TraceId missing in Netty HttpClient WRITE event if same 'reactor-http-nio' thread is used
#2283 opened by syedyusufh - 6
traceid and spandid information lost after spring cloud 2021.0.6 update
#2292 opened by sankarg931190 - 3
I want to propagate TraceId to all places where parallelStream() and CustomForkJoinPool is used.
#2297 opened by petercheon - 3
- 1
Autoconfiguration does not work in spring-boot 3.x
#2334 opened by frydrycht - 3
TraceIds feature for a Request tarvelling across, doesn't seem working. TraceIds are different across a travelling request
#2331 opened by harshithgandhamMS - 4
After @Async is included in rpc, traceId loss and confusion occur under a large number of requests.
#2332 opened by zjypyj - 1
- 5
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Missing: traceId with AWS propagation type
#2303 opened by BenitoVisone - 3
Jetty BadMessageException request headers too large
#2304 opened by m-mansoor-ali - 5
- 5
CVE-2023-33201 - bcprov-jdk15on
#2299 opened by OscarFolhaMsgLifeIberia - 3
- 1
Error release notes
#2294 opened by Linda-pan - 5
cannot access a member of class
#2267 opened by robert-gdv - 9
- 1
TraceId is not propogated on Error, after spring cloud version >= 2021.0.6
#2286 opened by sankarg931190 - 2
HandlerInterceptor section in document is outdated. `TraceHandlerInterceptor` disappeared.
#2287 opened by hojongs - 1
Autoconfigurable correlationScopeDecorator doesn't use builder from Spring Context
#2284 opened by akrikheli - 1
- 0
- 8
Shared traceId with skywalking
#2279 opened by Toxa45 - 6
Missing traceback when using spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit consumer listeners.
#2276 opened by Toxa45 - 4
- 4
- 6
- 6
Span is not closed & exported when returning Mono.empty in Spring Cloud Function
#2269 opened by cmergenthaler - 2
Tags from JDBC spans
#2266 opened by rafal-dudek