
Spring-Data search API augmented with Natural Language support.

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Spring Data Search API augmented with Natural Language support.

Already supported:

Data Search is compatible with Spring Native (see the list of supported drivers and limitations)

Coming soon:


Table of Contents

Data Search

Data Search provides an enterprise & production ready API, prowered by Spring Boot and Antlr, to query your data, and perform advanced search with Natural Language.

Search example: users born after 1988-01-01, with an gmail or protonmail email address, having completed the email verification, and having an address in one of the following countries: France, Switzerland or China

birthDate >: '1988-01-01' and (emailAddress : *gmail.com or emailAddress: *protonmail.com) and emailAddressVerified: true and addresses.countryCode: 'FR,CH,CN'


  • Logical operators (or/ and)
  • Parenthesis/ criteria prioritization
  • Mongodb and all JPA compatible db engines
  • Fields mapping/ DTO to Entities
  • Filter by subentity fields/ deep search
  • Advanced RegEx for Mongodb and like operator for JPA
  • All comparison operators

Comparison operators

Equal :

emailAddressVerified : true

Not equal !:

emailAddressVerified !: true

In :

countryCode : 'FR,CH,CN'

Not in :

countryCode !: 'FR,CH,CN'

Starts with :

firstName: S*

Ends with :

firstName: *S

Contains :

firstName: *S*

Less than <

birthDate < '1988-01-01'

Less than or equal <:

birthDate <: '1988-01-01'

Greater than >

birthDate > '1988-01-01'

Greater than or equal >:

birthDate >: '1988-01-01'

Exists (is not null)


Doesn't exist (is null) !


Supported values


firstName : Stan


title : MR


emailAddressVerified : true

Number (Integer, Double, Long, BigDecimal)

ref >: 100 or coins > 6.76453


time >: '18:58:24' and time <: '18:58:24.999'


time >: '18:58:24Z' and time <: '20:58:24.999+02:00'


birthDate >: '1988-01-01'


createdDate >: '2021-08-23T18:58:24' and createdDate <: '2021-10-12T18:58:24.000'


createdDate >: "2021-08-23T18:58:24Z" and createdDate <: '2021-10-12T18:58:24.000+02:00'


countryCode : 'FR,CH,CN'


emailAddress : '/.*gmail.com/' Regular expression, supported only for mongodb (see documentation) |

Detailed use case

See detailed search use case here

Getting Started


Java version 11 or higher (If java 8 support is needed, please vote for this issue)

SpringBoot version 2.1.0 or higher


Mongodb demo


JPA demo



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Data Search Mongodb starter



Gradle implementation 'app.commerce-io:spring-boot-starter-data-search-mongodb:1.3.0'

Data Search JPA Starter



Gradle implementation 'app.commerce-io:spring-boot-starter-data-search-jpa:1.3.0'


Data Search provides a custom repository. In order to use the provided repository, add the following annotation to the main class or any other configuration class.

Mongodb Repository

@EnableMongoRepositories(repositoryBaseClass = SearchRepositoryImpl.class)
public class DemoConfiguration {

JPA Repository

@EnableJpaRepositories(repositoryBaseClass = SearchRepositoryImpl.class)
public class DemoConfiguration {


Make your repositories extend SearchRepository

public interface CustomerRepository extends SearchRepository<Customer, String> {

And use in a controller or from anywhere else

public class DemoController {

    private final CustomerRepository customerRepository;

    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
            method = RequestMethod.GET,
            value = "/customers",
            produces = {"application/json"}
    public ResponseEntity<Page<Customer>> searchCustomers(
            @RequestParam(value = "search", required = false) String search,
            Pageable pageable) {

        Page<Customer> customerPage = customerRepository.findAll(

        return ok(customerPage);

Field Mapping

Users will tend to filter by the search result fields, and sometimes, your DTO structure differs from your entity/ collection. Data search provides a mapper, to define your custom mappings rules in two different ways:

Flat Mapper

The flat mapper is a basic String to String mapping, which could be useful for simple use cases.

String search = "addressName: test";
Mapper addressMapper = Mapper.flatMapper()
            .mapping("addressName", "address.firstName")

Page<CustomerEntity> page = customerRepository.findAll(search, pageable, addressMapper);

Advanced Mapper

The advanced mapper is used for complex structure mapping, and enable the reuse of mappers. Advanced mappers can be combined with flat mappers.

String search = "name: test OR address.addressName: test";
Mapper addressMapper = Mapper.flatMapper()
            .mapping("addressName", "firstName")

Mapper mapper = Mapper.mapper()
                .mapping("name", "firstName")
                .mapping("address", "addressEntity", addressMapper)

Page<CustomerEntity> page = customerRepository.findAll(search, pageable, mapper);

Value Mapping

In addition to the fields mapping, some values could be converted before returning the search result. Data Search supports values mapping:

public class LowerCaseValueMapping implements ValueMapping {

  public String map(String from) {
    return from == null ? null : from.toLowerCase();
String search = "addressName: TeSt";
Mapper addressMapper = Mapper.flatMapper()
        .mapping("addressName", "address.firstName", new LowerCaseValueMapping())

Page<CustomerEntity> page = customerRepository.findAll(search, pageable, addressMapper);


All Contributors

Thanks to these wonderful people (emoji key):


💻 🤔 👀 💡 ⚠️



All Contributors


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!



This software is released under the Apache license. See LICENSE for more information.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!