Service Registration and Discovery :: Learn how to register and find services with Eureka
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Update confusing docs, as the @EnableDiscoveryClient is no longer required
#25 opened by havinhphu188 - 3
Tutorial content does not match project files
#28 opened by paralaks - 2
- 2
- 1
mvn spring-boot:run
#7 opened by antsania - 3
Cannot clone repository - error: invalid path 'complete/eureka-service/:q
#30 opened by jeremywickham - 0
README is broken (and page?)
#26 opened by Alos - 1
- 5
Unable to start embedded Tomcat
#10 opened by 7-- - 0
Unable to start embedded Tomcat
#11 opened by 7-- - 7
Error when updating to 1.4 of Starter-Parent / Updating spring cloud dep to brixton
#1 opened by sialcasa