Is it worth going to the canteen today? SlackBot for Spring Media #general
- adtechnologyAxel Springer SE
- ahothman
- AlexanderVoigt85
- amartiros
- AndreasPrangAxelSpringer SE
- aneuss
- btrinh
- CosminPaunBerlin, Germany
- ehsan9295
- fgerardwltn24
- frueckmann
- FunWithR
- hackmac89Axel Springer National Media & Tech GmbH & Co. KG
- hammi85
- jamiBerlin
- jhcloos
- jpJuni0rHamburg, Germany
- kirsi
- mdichev
- moll2max
- mrsncookfu
- nigorollUPLEX
- ninam2
- programmieramt@WeltN24
- qwert666@axelspringer.de x-allegro.pl x-netguru.com
- rolmomohrbacher.eu
- RVKNguyen
- sazanow@axelspringer
- schafstelze
- SEOtechLoveSEOtechLove
- Shwager
- TimSusateamitfi
- toupperAutomattic
- ujann
- vmucha
- weian3000Spring Media