The SI adapter includes Outbound Channel Adapter and Inbound Channel Adapter.
The Inbound channel adapter is used to read data from Splunk and output a message containing the data to a Spring Integration channel. There are 5 ways to get data from Splunk:
- Blocking
- Non blocking
- Saved search
- Realtime
- Export
<int-splunk:inbound-channel-adapter id="splunkInboundChannelAdapter"
search="search spring:example"
channel="inputFromSplunk" mode="BLOCKING" earliestTime="-1d" latestTime="now" initEarliestTime="-1d">
<int:poller fixed-rate="5" time-unit="SECONDS"/>
<int-splunk:inbound-channel-adapter id="splunkInboundChannelAdapter"
search="search spring:example"
channel="inputFromSplunk" mode="NORMAL" earliestTime="-1d" latestTime="now" initEarliestTime="-1d">
<int:poller fixed-rate="5" time-unit="SECONDS"/>
<int-splunk:inbound-channel-adapter id="splunkInboundChannelAdapter"
savedSearch="test" splunk-server-ref="splunkServer"
channel="inputFromSplunk" mode="SAVEDSEARCH" earliestTime="-1d" latestTime="now" initEarliestTime="-1d">
<int:poller fixed-rate="5" time-unit="SECONDS"/>
<int-splunk:inbound-channel-adapter id="splunkInboundChannelAdapter"
search="search spring:example" splunk-server-ref="splunkServer" channel="inputFromSplunk"
mode="REALTIME" earliestTime="-5s" latestTime="rt" initEarliestTime="-1d">
<int:poller fixed-rate="5" time-unit="SECONDS"/>
<int-splunk:inbound-channel-adapter id="splunkInboundChannelAdapter"
auto-startup="true" search="search spring:example" splunk-server-ref="splunkServer" channel="inputFromSplunk"
mode="EXPORT" earliestTime="-5d" latestTime="now" initEarliestTime="-1d">
<int:poller fixed-rate="5" time-unit="SECONDS"/>
The Outbound channel adapter is used to write data to Splunk from a Spring Integration message channel. There are 3 types of data writers provided:
- submit - Use's Splunk's REST API. Appropriate for small or infrequent data loads. Posts data to a named index or the default if not specified.
- index - Streams data to a named index or the default if not specified.
- tcp - Streams data to a tcp port associated with a defined tcp input.
The outbound channel adapter requires a child *-writer element which defines related attributes:
<int-splunk:submit-writer index="foo"/>
<int-splunk:index-writer index="someIndex"/>
<int-splunk:tcp-writer port="9999"/>
NOTE: The input must exist and be enabled on the server
<int-splunk:server id="splunkServer" username="admin" password="password" timeout="5000" host="" port="9000" />
Alternatively, you can configure a Splunk Server failover mechanism
<int-splunk:server id="splunkServer" username="admin" password="password" timeout="5000"
host="" port="9000" />
<int-splunk:server id="splunkServerBackup" username="admin" password="password" timeout="5000"
host="" port="9000" />
<util:list id="splunkServersList">
<ref bean="splunkServer" />
<ref bean="splunkServerBackup" />
<bean id="splunkServiceFactory" class="">
<constructor-arg ref="splunkServersList"/>
Additional server properties include (see splunk documentation for details):
- app
- scheme
- scope
- owner
The default host is localhost and the default port is 8089. The timeout attribute indicates how long to wait for a connection in miliseconds.
./gradlew build
To generate Eclipse metadata (e.g., .classpath and .project files), do the following:
./gradlew eclipse