Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Couchbase. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data access.
- apperly
- bob-waltersAccesso
- corneilBroadcom
- ctailor2
- deniswsrosaMunich
- dturanskiVMWare
- dussabStacklok
- dwinterfeldt
- edvir
- gabais
- habumaVMware
- HaybuIBM
- ilayaperumalgVMware
- james0tucson
- jeremykuhnashConfluent
- jessefriedlandUnited States
- jexpJEXP + @Neo4j
- jhcloos
- joshlongthe Spring team at Broadcom (https://spring.io)
- kenguzikGuzik Design
- leejianweiAWS
- mcroseIcarusDB
- nierajsinghVMware
- odrotbohmVMware by Broadcom, Inc.
- olegzSpringSource
- OlgaMaciaszek@spring-cloud @vmware
- petkova
- phumphreyPivotal
- rmacblane
- rmorganPivotal, Inc.
- romiawasthyPA, US
- sleewm
- sortakoolChicago
- thomasdarimont@Identity Tailor GmbH
- willschippDallas, Texas
- zhangwei5095西安