Green Zone - Means Go - Okay to ask, suggest

These questions, comments, statements apply to ALL sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, best friends, friends, coworkers, doctors, nurses, medical staff, phycologists, social workers, etc.

Sorry to hear.

How can I help?
Ask to do research for family regarding illness, medical care or support groups.
Treat the newly diagnosed like you always do.
Don’t ask too many questions during first 6 months to any direct family members. They're exhausted.
Phone family members once a month. Just say, “Hello and Your just checking in”. Let the grieving family members speak and listen to them. Keep calls short (not longer than 15 minutes.)
Take ALZ person out for walks, hikes, biking, skiing etc. They still may be physically capable of what they were before.
Continue to invite ALZ family over for get togethers, movies etc. During the first year the grieving families energy varies. Please include them if they are up to it.

Red Zone - Stop - This is not your place to ask or speak about, or suggest.

Please respect Boundaries for the grieving family there is reasons for boundaries during the grieving process.

If license has been taken away from newly diagnosed, DO NOT say they are okay to drive. Please do not question this decision. The family and/or medical professional have chosen.

Don't say, “I feel sorry for you”.
Don't say, “I wouldn’t want your life”.
If family members have asked you not to share news with others please respect their boundaries. There are reasons for boundaries. Children of ALZ no matter what age may not want to share news with others yet. Everyone processes grief differently. Please respect boundaries. > I told friends and asked them not to tell their adult children. Friends went ahead told their kids who contacted my adult kids when they weren’t ready, they’re grieving the loss of a parent.