
Concourse resource for deploying to Cloud Foundry

Primary LanguageGo


This is a Concourse resource for doing zero downtime deploys to Cloudfoundry. Previously this worked in conjunction with the halfpipe-cf-plugin. Now this project contains all behaviour. This resource also allows you to deploy docker-images to cf and to use the experimental rolling deploy feature of cf api version 7.

Deploying to Concourse

You can use the docker image by defining the resource type in your pipeline YAML.

For example:

- name: cf-resource
  type: docker-image
    repository: platformengineering/cf-resource
    tag: stable

Source Configuration

  • api: required. The CF API you wish to deploy to.
  • org: required. The Org the app should be deployed in.
  • space: required. The Space the app should be deployed into.
  • username: required. The username for the user to use when deploying.
  • password: required. The password for the user to use when deploying.


- name: cf-resource
  type: cf-resource
    api: ((cloudfoundry.api-dev))
    org: my-org
    space: my-space
    username: ((cloudfoundry.username))
    password: ((cloudfoundry.password))



Does nothing


Does nothing

out: deploys to CF.

Deploys app to cf


  • command: required. The halfpipe-cf-plugin command to use. Must be one of halfpipe-push, halfpipe-check, halfpipe-promote or halfpipe-cleanup.
  • manifestPath: required. Relative or absolute path to cf manifest.
  • appPath: required for halfpipe-push. Relative or absolute path to the app bits you wish to deploy.
  • testDomain: required for halfpipe-push and halfpipe-promte. Domain that will be used when constructing the candidate route for the app.
  • vars: optional. Hash map containing environment variables that should be set on the application.
  • gitRefPath: optional. Path to the .git/ref file. If this is set the app will get the environment variable GIT_REVISION set.
  • timeout: optional. Timeout for each of the commands that the halfpipe cf plugin will execute.
  • preStartCommand: optional. A CF command to run immediately before cf start in the halfpipe-push command. e.g. cf events <app-name>.
  • dockerUsername: optional. The username to use when pushing a docker image to cf.
  • dockerPassword: optional. The password to use when pushing a docker image to cf.
  • dockerTag: optional. The dockertag to set or override the dockertag set in the cf manifest.
  • buildVersionPath: optional. path to the versionfile. If this is set the app will get the environment variable BUILD_VERSION set.
  • instances: optional. The number of instances to deploy when using the rolling deploy strategy.


- name: deploy-to-dev
    - get: my-apps-git-repo
    - put: cf-resource
        appPath: my-apps-git-repo/target/distribution/artifact.zip
        command: halfpipe-push
        manifestPath: my-apps-git-repo/manifest.yml
        testDomain: some.random.domain.com
        gitRefPath: my-apps-git-repo/.git/ref
          EXTRA_VAR: "Yo, im a env var in the CF app"
          SECRET_VAR: ((some.secret))
    - put: cf-resource
        command: halfpipe-promote
        manifestPath: my-apps-git-repo/manifest.yml
        testDomain: some.random.domain.com
        timeout: 10m
    - put: cf-resource
        command: halfpipe-delete
        manifestPath: my-apps-git-repo/manifest.yml

How do the rolling deploys work?

This resource supports the use of the rolling strategy introduced in cf api v3. One of the benefits of this strategy is that the amount of resources needed to deploy is significantly less.

How do I still use a candidate app with rolling deploys?

To still make use of the candidate-app to do smoke tests against, simply first use halfpipe-push command. After that you can do a rolling deploy with halfpipe-rolling-deploy. To cleanup the test app created by halfpipe-push use halfpipe-delete-test.


- name: deploy-to-dev
    - get: my-apps-git-repo
    - put: cf-resource
        appPath: my-apps-git-repo/target/distribution/artifact.zip
        command: halfpipe-push
        manifestPath: my-apps-git-repo/manifest.yml
        testDomain: some.random.domain.com
        gitRefPath: my-apps-git-repo/.git/ref
          EXTRA_VAR: "Yo, im a env var in the CF app"
          SECRET_VAR: ((some.secret))
    - put: cf-resource
        put: cf rolling deploy
        manifestPath: my-apps-git-repo/manifest.yml
        timeout: 10m
    - put: remove test app
      resource: rolling cf snpaas halfpipe-examples
        command: halfpipe-delete-test
        manifestPath: my-apps-git-repo/manifest.yml
        timeout: 1h
        attempts: 2

What do the different commands do?


This simply deploys the application as app-name-CANDIDATE to a test route app-name-{SPACE}-CANDIDATE.{DOMAIN}


Checks that all instances of the app is up and running, useful to stick between halfpipe-push and halfpipe-promote


  • This binds all the routes from the manifest to the app-name-CANDIDATE
  • Removes the test route from app-name-CANDIDATE
  • renames app-name-OLD to app-name-DELETE
  • renames app-name to app-name-OLD
  • renames app-name-CANDIDATE to app-name
  • stops app-name-OLD


Simply deletes the app app-name-DELETE


This command pushes an app with the rolling strategy. This command also supports the rolling deployment of docker images in cf.


Use in conjunction with halfpipe-rolling-deploy to delete any test-app pushed with halfpipe-push