Home battery prediction and charging automation for Home Assistant, supporting many inverter types
- 2
Saving Session Plan
#1891 opened by Meatballs1 - 10
help please :-D
#1886 opened by Ryuisnod - 7
Eliminating the 15m charge/Export slots
#1888 opened by pacemaker82 - 9
‘Sawtooth’ changes to inverter charge rate with low power mode and temperature charge curve
#1875 opened by gcoan - 0
Plan does not charge battery as much as expected during cheap period, but in reality battery does fully charge
#1889 opened by ablack89 - 3
3 Calibrations in 3 weeks...
#1884 opened by pacemaker82 - 4
- 2
Uninstalling does not delete entities
#1883 opened by madmic1314 - 13
Unnecessary charging after 100% SOC
#1873 opened by Yuffi17 - 5
Support for GivEnergy EMS
#1876 opened by markbw999 - 19
Temperature dependant charge curve
#1844 opened by johnwb87 - 12
Prebat suddenly stopped updating the plan last night.
#1840 opened by jrwm47 - 8
My installation preferring grid sourced electricity, rather than last nights cheaper battery storage electricity
#1836 opened by adibbins - 22
- 9
Unpredictable behaviour with low power mode
#1866 opened by BuhJuhWuh - 9
- 11
Debug from Johan Ä
#1783 opened by JohanAlvedal - 3
Use secrets.yaml for API keys
#1864 opened by gcoan - 18
- 3
Hold for car not holding battery
#1858 opened by nickgee31 - 4
Release 8.10.1 documentation question
#1862 opened by jrviz - 2
Provide ability to have per-inverter charge scaling factors
#1863 opened by gcoan - 2
Increase battery charge to 100%
#1852 opened by nbullus - 0
Compare Agile to Go (Or other tariff)
#1857 opened by stefanwest1 - 6
Not charging before a high export rate
#1859 opened by WillCalderwood - 7
- 3
Multiple Duplicate Inverter Writes on AIO when throttling maximum discharge rate
#1854 opened by 7Van737 - 1
- 19
Excessive charging/hold charge after 100% SOC reached
#1798 opened by Yuffi17 - 2
Warnings since HA update
#1853 opened by Emmoore103 - 5
Predbat crashed with Exception Error
#1850 opened by WilliamGillin - 5
Monitor Mode/Read only mode
#1816 opened by dochtie - 3
PB Predicted load graph not trending correctly
#1846 opened by Eeebygum23 - 1
State attributes for predbat.xxx exceed maximum size of 16384 bytes. ... Attributes will not be stored
#1848 opened by M0LTE - 6
- 4
Factoring in uncertainty
#1837 opened by WillCalderwood - 17
Errors in the log
#1835 opened by Emmoore103 - 44
- 0
Install through HACS error
#1832 opened by TheOfficialBatteryMan - 2
Charge script called before charge rate set
#1823 opened by chris-y - 5
Sub-optimal import/export plan since 8.8.17
#1821 opened by sammort - 2
predbat reporting incorrect inverter time, plus predbat.status entity is missing
#1824 opened by stevedundee2 - 5
Agile Pricing Incorrect from URL
#1814 opened by joshwillcock - 6
Unable to install addon
#1812 opened by Amigos2222 - 1
- 10
Document sensor.predbat_xx_N_idle/scheduled_discharge sensors and rationalise their use?
#1801 opened by gcoan - 4
8.8.15 causing errors on load
#1794 opened by andyrew66 - 3
- 6
Irregular Load Subtraction
#1779 opened by nbullus - 11
Out of range pause warning messages
#1781 opened by gcoan