- 0
- 0
What ever i try, the /v2/api-docs and /swagger-resources/configuration/ui return a 404 NOT FOUND
#182 opened by doctor-beat - 0
Moving /v2/api-docs to customised path
#181 opened by agllno - 0
Is it possible to share sample app for spring fox 2.9.2
#180 opened by router19 - 10
- 0
- 0
Avoid endless Class Parameter Argument scanning, if the parameter Object contains a circular reference (e.g. bi directional relation within a bean)
#177 opened by Syntobe - 1
Swagger UI not showing
#140 opened by abondar24 - 1
#44 opened by gasperlf - 0
Request Body parameter - providing different json examples to the end user in swagger (same object in multiple endpoints)
#170 opened by robsquireq - 6
400 error with swagger-ui.html
#50 opened by BoinaRamesh - 0
Webflux example project is outdated
#157 opened by chamithchathuka - 1
ERROR : [RMI TCP Connection(3)-] [springfox.documentation.spring.web.scanners.ApiDescriptionReader] H=[LT031HLB] Skipping process path[/xx/yy/zzzz], method[xxMethod] as it has an error.
#100 opened by scchaitha - 0
How to use ApiListingScannerPlugin to add a web api? Could you offer a demo with version 3.0?
#138 opened by yangliu817 - 0
swagger UI for Spring Boot API : How to add “audience” in request body for authorising “client credentials” flow
#60 opened by ShradhaFielddata - 1
- 0
- 19
- 3
Questions :: Is there a way in Swagger to show the UI documentation only to internal users?
#98 opened by scchaitha - 0
@Schema can not show
#109 opened by perluqing - 0
full class name as schema name,
#108 opened by perluqing - 10
FileUpload not working with JSON data
#40 opened by dheerajuppalapati - 1
Cant reach "http://localhost:8080/documentation/swagger-ui" when running the springfox-demos/boot-webflux/ demo
#99 opened by englishbobster - 3
- 0
- 1
How to define security at root level
#95 opened by wanxg - 4
[fix #66] springfox WARN
#61 opened by xie4991 - 0
springfox 3.0.0 not support MultipartFile
#87 opened by Seriels - 0
- 2
Upgrade issues
#76 opened by BrokenWingsIcarus - 6
- 1
- 1
Could not find method leftShift()
#66 opened by mdbudnick - 2
- 0
Demonstrate how to get swagger.json
#64 opened by opticyclic - 0
Is OpenAPI 3 support added in release 2.9?
#63 opened by jliu1970 - 1
Swagger UI showing unnecessary things.
#62 opened by anshul-dhyani - 14
api docs not listing paths when i use @PathVariable annotation in my controller
#51 opened by BoinaRamesh - 2
label:"help wanted" Centralized documentation with Spring Boot and Netflix Eureka
#56 opened by hellosatish - 1
Download compiled jar file
#54 opened by dlidstrom - 1
- 1
Error creating bean with name 'swagger2ControllerMapping' defined in class path resource [springfox/documentation/swagger2/configuration/Swagger2DocumentationConfiguration.class]
#53 opened by AbhilashDevarshetty - 1
- 1
Change name and description for relation of entity
#49 opened by yzako - 1
How to turn off swagger-ui?
#48 opened by zhangft7478191 - 1
- 1
- 0
display error with @RequestParam(value = "order",required = false,defaultValue = "-crtdate")LinkedList<String> order
#43 opened by ysjiang4869 - 1
- 3
Property Key Value not working
#41 opened by n614cd