
FasterRCNN Windows C++ library(train,detection both) all dependencies are included.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


FasterRCNN C++ library. (Train,Detect both)
  • All dependencies are included.
  • Can train FasterRCNN as double click.
  • You need only 1 header file, To detect by FasterRCNN.

Lastest news

2018-03-15. : Fix python process leak. Decrease exe file size.

2017-11-14. : Remove unuseful information(e.g. DeviceSelector)

2017-10-14. : Support unicode(korean) path. Changed default IPC buffers as 10000 bytes.

Setup for train

1. Download model and files.

There is a download_VGG16.bat , download_VGG19.bat and download_AlexNet.bat in CNTK/FasterRCNN/. This file can download VGG16_ImageNet_Caffe.model.

And run download_bin.bat. This file download FasterRCNN_Train_SE.exe and dependency dlls.

FasterRCNN_train_SE.exe needs 2 argument that are number of epoch and base model name. Now you can run train.bat.

2. Train our own data format and location.

Actually, FasterRCNN_Train_SE.exe read only two files. first one is ../train_img_file.txt, Second one is ../train_roi_file.txt. That's why i made FasterRCNN_Train_SE.exe in bin folder.

This format follows the Microsoft/CNTK format.

train_img_file.txt follows the format below.

0	<image-path>	0
1	<image-path>	0
2	<image-path>	0

First column is index of image. Second column is image path. Last column must be zero. You can see CNTK/FasterRCNN/train_img_file.txt to understand. train_roi_file.txt follows the format below.

0 |roiAndLabel <x1 y1 x2 y2 class>
1 |roiAndLabel <x1 y1 x2 y2 class> <x1 y1 x2 y2 class>

First column is index of image (stupid format) , Second column must be |roiAndLabel ,Third column is coordinate of object. You can write multiple coordinate of object in same line.

Finally, It looks like below.

┌ bin
│  ├ FasterRCNN_Train_SE.exe
│  └ <Requirement dlls>
├ img
│  └ <images that wrote in train_img_file.txt>
├ train_img_file.txt
├ train_roi_file.txt
├ VGG16_ImageNet_Caffe.model
└ train.bat

Now you can run train.bat for trainning.

model file will generate at the same location.

Setup for detect

1. Download pre-trained model and files.

Run both download_3rdparty.bat ,download_voc2007train and download_pretrained_model.bat in the FasterRCNN_SE_Detection.

2. Run.

And open FasterRCNN_SE_Detection_Example.sln as Visual Studio 2015.(Maybe it works on VS2013 and VS2017 too)

We needs only 1 header file (FasterRCNN_SE.h) for detect. Of course your exe file needs FasterRCNN_Detect_SE.exe and requirement dll(cudnn64_6.dll).

Model loading time is about 20~30s. Detection time is about 0.15s.(7FPS)

Result of voc2007valid
        Recall : 0.673434
        Precision : 0.719298
        Recall : 0.53223
        Precision : 0.618873
        Recall : 0.553367
        Precision : 0.575155
        Recall : 0.325579
        Precision : 0.382733
        Recall : 0.271551
        Precision : 0.327751
        Recall : 0.511315
        Precision : 0.545872
        Recall : 0.592057
        Precision : 0.727606
        Recall : 0.608507
        Precision : 0.630208
        Recall : 0.201738
        Precision : 0.277222
        Recall : 0.403546
        Precision : 0.541198
        Recall : 0.364155
        Precision : 0.376712
        Recall : 0.653623
        Precision : 0.681884
        Recall : 0.70719
        Precision : 0.742375
        Recall : 0.615479
        Precision : 0.686429
        Recall : 0.613302
        Precision : 0.740406
        Recall : 0.231086
        Precision : 0.269577
        Recall : 0.515167
        Precision : 0.650926
        Recall : 0.419326
        Precision : 0.428191
        Recall : 0.683333
        Precision : 0.748175
        Recall : 0.368519
        Precision : 0.388889


The class FasterRCNN that in FasterRCNN_SE.h has 3 method.

void FasterRCNN::Create(int base_model,std::string model_path,std::string classfile,DWORD size=6000)

This method load trained model and class naming file.

  • Parameter
    • base_model : You can put below values.
      • FasterRCNN::AlexNet
      • FasterRCNN::VGG16
      • FasterRCNN::VGG19
    • model_path : trained model path (e.g. "faster_rcnn_eval_VGG16_e2e.model")
    • classfile : class naming file path(same as used at training)
    • size : IPC buffer size.(@see Technical issue)
std::vector<BoxSE> FasterRCNN::Detect(std::string img_path, float threshold)

This method is detecting objects of file .

  • Parameter
    • img_path : image path
    • threshold : It removes predictive boxes if there score is less than threshold.
void FasterRCNN::Release()

Release main-memory and gpu-memory.

Technical issue

The CNTK is python wrapper. They support C++ interface. But it works only in CPU to detection.

CPU version detection

I have to run this code on C++ without Python dependencies.

So, I used IPC with python executable file. I used pyinstaller for make exe file.

Finally, It does not support GPU SLI.

I tested it on (Windows10,GTX1080) and (windows10,TITAN X).

Software requirement

  • Visual Studio 2015
  • CUDA 8.0
  • if you want rebuild
    • python 3.5(Anaconda)
    • pyinstaller
    • CNTK

Hardware requirement

  • Detect
    • Main Memory : 4.5GB over
    • GPU Memory : 3GB over
  • Train
    • Main Memory : 4.5GB over
    • GPU Memory : 4.5GB over


ValueError: attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence

This error means can't load roi data. case 1 : roi data is empty. case 2 : x2 is greater than x1 or y2 is greater than y1 in roi file.


  • : Support simple image pass for detect.