
🃏 jokedao contest smart contracts and an app for using them

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Check out the live site at jokedao.io!

You can also find v1 at jokedao.jokedao.io.


  • yarn installed
  • node version >= 17.0.0
  • Have an Ethereum wallet (like MetaMask for instance)

Before you start

  • Navigate to packages/react-app-revamp (the v2 site package)
  • Install dependencies with yarn install
  • Create a .env file and paste the following values:

Getting Started

First, navigate to the top directory of this repo and run the development server with

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Development Notes

Updating bytecode

In order to generate and/or update the bytecode of your project, you first need to run

yarn chain

to start a development chain locally.

Once you do that, run

yarn deploy

Upon a successful deploy to the local development chain, this will copy the generated bytecode into the react-app (v1) and react-app-revamp (v2) packages so that the app can access it.

You will also need to do two more things (these are the steps for if you change code in Contest.sol):

  • Make a copy of the bytecode in the versioning folder packages/react-app-revamp/contracts/bytecodeAndAbi by copying the content in Contest.sol, which is the latest version of bytecode, into contracts/bytecodeAndAbi and renaming it following the convention.
  • Update ABI parser code in packages/react-app-revamp/helpers/getContestContractVersion.ts following the pattern of adding the last version of the bytecode and a code change that was distinctive to it (so that the front end can identify the version of bytecode it is looking at when trying to decipher a contract on a chain).

If you changed code in a module or GenericVotesTimestampToken.sol you'll want to follow the same steps to maintain versioning of that code.

Here is an example commit that does all of these steps.

Make sure to do all of these steps before committing any changes to the contract code to make sure that the bytecode that the site is deploying is the same as what you have written in the hardhat package!

Built with

  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS & Headless-UI
  • ethers, wagmi, @wagmi/core, @rainbow-me/rainbowkit
  • zustand
  • Vercel.

JokeDAO V2 front-end is hosted on Vercel.