
Expense Wise is an expense tracking / budgeting website developed for a Software Engineering Course.

Primary LanguagePHP


Expense Wise is an expense tracking / budgeting website developed for a Software Engineering Course.

EX, standing for "Expense Wise," is a website that aims to help people, especially students, manage their expenses and budget their money wisely. Let's break down the name to understand the main objectives of this software.

"Expense" signifies the core focus of the website, which is to track and manage expenses efficiently. "Wise" emphasizes the goal of promoting wise financial decisions and budgeting practices among users, especially students who may be new to managing their finances.

In today's fast-paced world, financial management is crucial, yet many find it challenging to track and manage their expenses effectively. EX seeks to address this challenge by providing a user-friendly platform for managing expenses and budgeting wisely. The website is designed to empower users to take control of their finances and make informed decisions about their spending habits.

EX will serve as a comprehensive solution for expense tracking and budget management, offering features such as expense categorization, budget planning, and financial insights. The website will be accessible through web browsers and mobile devices for convenience. It will ensure that users can access only their own data, with no interactions with other users.