
Just a simple tool to generate explicit planning graphs from PDDL domain/problem pairs.

Primary LanguagePython

Explicit generation of planning graphs

Just a simple tool to generate explicit planning graphs from PDDL domain/problem pairs.

Mind that this repository has submodules. To clone it properly, please use:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/sprkrd/explicit_planning_graph.git

If you've already cloned the repository and you want to fetch the submodules too, use

git submodule update --init --recursive

If you only want to load and use the pregenerated graphs, the submodules are not necessary and you can get away if you don't clone it.

You can find pregenerated graphs in the pkl_graph folder. Check out example_loading.py to get a feel on how to load and use the generated graphs.

You can also check the pdf_graphs folder for renders of the graphs.

The graphgen.py script generates a new graph from a PDDL domain file and a PDDL problem file. Just invoke it without arguments (or with the -h) argument to learn about its usage:

./graphgen.py -h


This project runs in Python3. Python2 is not supported, but basic support can be provided if needed (at least for using the Graph class defined in graph.py).

There are no dependencies aside from graphviz, and even this is not necessary if you don't plan on rendering PDF files for the graphs). The rest is already included (provided you clone the submodules appropriately).

To install graphviz

pip install graphviz

Feel free to install it in a virtual environment or in the user space if you want to (although, again, it is not needed if you don't ever call the render_graph function in graph.py).