
Cookiecutter template for projects

Primary LanguagePython

Sprockets Package Template

This is a cookiecutter_ template that generates a sprockets package that is consistent with the rest of the eco-system and ready to go in a few seconds. You will need to install the cookiecutter_ utility, then point it at this repository, answer a few questions, and start coding:

$ cookiecutter https://github.com/sprockets/cookiecutter-sprockets
project_name (default is "")? packagename
full_name (default is "")? John Doe
email (default is "")? john.doe@example.com
description (default is "")? This goes into setup.py
git_org (default is "sprockets")?
year (default is "2014")?
$ cd sprockets.packagename
$ ls
.travis.yml             dev-requirements.txt    setup.py
LICENSE                 doc/                    sprockets/
MANIFEST.in             requirements.txt        test-requirements.txt
README.rst              setup.cfg               tests/

As you can see, there are a handful of files there for you already.