
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What is this repository for?

  • mysql_permissions is a way to manage authentication and permissions across mysql clusters and servers from a configuration management system or LDAP tree.
  • Automatically adds, removes and updates GRANTS for all user in a group
  • Integrates with a hastebin server so you can safely store emails only on internal servers
  • Integrates with gmail or amazon's boto to send users notifications
  • Command line program is easily cronable with --non-interactive argument
  • Easily perform dry runs by passing the --echo-only argument
  • Ensure old users are cleaned up by passing the --destructive argument
  • Backs up mysql schemas to ~/mysqlbackup/YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS/cluster_name_or_ip/db.sql
  • if the user@host doesn't exist
    • connects and does a CREATE USER 'user'@'host' with a randomly generated password
    • sends an instructional email to the user asking them to change their password

Quick Start

Ensure you have Mysql installed

git clone git@github.com:sproutsocial/mysql_permissions.git
cd mysql_permissions
# You may need to change the from the root user or omit the --password flag depending on your mysql setup
mysql --user=root --password < provision/quick_start.sql
# Install necessary requirements
# When installing requirements I highly recommend using https://virtualenv.pypa.io
# without a virtualenv sudo may be required
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Generate an auto_grant.yaml file with mysql/gmail users/passwords
# Choose the defaults for the mysql user and mysql password grant_user and grant_pass respectively
python ldap_mysql_granter/mysql_grants_generator.py -i
# Run the actual tool and follow online prompts, check your email, download the attachment
python ldap_mysql_granter/mysql_grants_generator.py
# Download password_change_invite.py to CWD Reset the autogenerated to a new one of the users choosing
python password_change_invite.py
# Read the generated file auto_grant.yaml

Ldap Integration Testing

Download VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Download vagrant: https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html

git clone git@github.com:sproutsocial/mysql_permissions.git
cd mysql_permissions
pip install -r requirements.txt
export AG_GMAIL_USER=example@gmail.com
export AG_GMAIL_PASS=mail_password
make integration_test_interactive
-- Follow online prompts, check your email, download the attachment --
python password_change_invite.py

If you want to test the Hastebin feature, set hastebin_url in integration_test.yaml. The password change information will then be uploaded to Hastebin and an email with the link dispatched.


  • you can configure the way the script runs:
  • check out the documentation about auto_grant.yaml


  • Sending through gmail will not work if you have 2 factor authorization setup


  • New grant mysqlUser emails will be composed from mysqlUser @ gmail_auth['username'] domain
  • If a user already exists on one machine a Notification email will be sent of access the password will be the same

Enterprise installation

  • Install a local haste server that is only accessable from your enterprise's ips https://github.com/seejohnrun/haste-server/wiki/Installation
  • Use amazon simple email service to send to your enterprises domain. You will need to create an amazon account then obtain an application key and secret https://aws.amazon.com/ses/getting-started/
  • Generate the auto_grant.yaml using: mysql_grants_generator --init --non-interactive
  • Uncomment the sections for Ldap, AWS, and Hastebin changing the hastebin to your internal one
  • Create an env.sh file:
  • It should follow the below format replacing these values with your own
export AG_LDAP_USER='ldap_user'
export AG_LDAP_PASS='ldap_pass'
export AG_GMAIL_USER='user@domain.com'
export AG_GMAIL_PASS='gmail_pass'
export AG_MYSQL_USER='mysql_user_with_create_user_permission'
export AG_MYSQL_PASS='mysql_pass'
export AG_AWS_KEY='aws_key'
export AG_AWS_SECRET='aws_secret'
  • Source it you can check using env that everything is ok
source env.sh
env|grep AG_
  • clone repo and change your directory to there
git clone git@github.com:sproutsocial/mysql_permissions.git
cd mysql_permissions
mkvirtualenv auto_grant
  • install requirements into your virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • you are ready to run the script and the global expected command is
    • see contribution to view how to develop and run locally
    • make sure to look at the commands before typing Yes you can always Ctrl-C to quit
    • generate grants for a user-list RECOMMENDED
python ldap_mysql_granter/mysql_grants_generator.py --yaml-conf=./integration_test.yaml -U user1,user2
* Globally this will update everyone in ldap take care with this one
python ldap_mysql_granter/mysql_grants_generator.py --yaml-conf=./integration_test.yaml


  • Please run tests before commiting any python changes.
make tests


  • To distribute a new version
    • you need to update the version and tag the repo
    • then follow the instruction to build a dist
    • take care to replace "#.#.#" with your actual version
bumpversion --tag --commit {patch,minor,major} ldap_mysql_granter/__init__.py
  • to build a dist simply make sure there isn't an old one
  • then just make it
    rm -r dist
    make dist
  • to add the latest distribution to your_other_project/requirements.txt
    • this should be run from the clone of auto_grant
    • but the output can be directed to whichever requirements file you would like
LATEST_TAG=`git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)`
LATEST_TAG_REV=`git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`
echo "-e git://github.com/sproutsocial/mysql_permissions.git@${LATEST_TAG}#egg=ldap_mysql_granter=${LATEST_TAG_REV}" >> your_other_project/requirements.txt

Script entry points

  • This is the main entry point
  • ldap_mysql_granter/mysql_grants_generator.py
  • ldap_mysql_granter/email_tool.py
  • ldap_mysql_granter/ldap_query_tool.py
  • ldap_mysql_granter/mysql_backup_tool.py
  • ldap_mysql_granter/mysql_query_tool.py
  • ldap_mysql_granter/import_schema_tool.py

How to I post an issue?
