
Spryker Module that streamlines the integration of sentry.io into your project

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Spryker Sentry

About the package

This package enables Sentry.io to work with your Spryker shop by extending the Monitoring Module of Spryker and adding other hooks to here and there to enhance the data in Sentry.




To get the latest version, simply require the package using Composer:

composer require turbine-kreuzberg/spryker-sentry


Add the TurbineKreuzberg namespace to the PROJECT_NAMESPACES in your config/Shared/config_default.php file and configure the Sentry DSN:

$config[KernelConstants::PROJECT_NAMESPACES] = [
    // ...

$config[\TurbineKreuzberg\Shared\Sentry\SentryConstants::DSN] = '<your sentry DSN>';

Add the SentryMonitoringExtensionPlugin to Pyz\Service\Monitoring\MonitoringDependencyProvider:


namespace Pyz\Service\Monitoring;

use Spryker\Service\Monitoring\MonitoringDependencyProvider as SprykerMonitoringDependencyProvider;
use TurbineKreuzberg\Service\Sentry\Plugin\Monitoring\SentryMonitoringExtensionPlugin;

class MonitoringDependencyProvider extends SprykerMonitoringDependencyProvider
    protected function getMonitoringExtensions(): array
        return [
            // ...
            new SentryMonitoringExtensionPlugin(),
            // ...

Additional Configurations

You can adjust some configurations on the sentry module by adding some of this lines to your config file (ex. config_default.php):

// You can ignore certain exceptions by adding them to this array
$config[SentryConstants::IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS] = [
    ErrorException::class, // Example

// You can set your application version so that it gets reported to sentry
$config[SentryConstants::APPLICATION_VERSION] = '1.0.0';

// You can even get it from an env variable
$config[SentryConstants::APPLICATION_VERSION] = getenv('MY_APP_VERSION');

// You can set the percentage of your requests that are going to be traced for
// performance monitoring, value goes from 0 to 1, being 0.2 = 20%
$config[SentryConstants::TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE] = 0.4;

// You can define custom serializers for complex objects like transfer objects
// This will greatly enrich Sentry issues, making it possible to inspect object internal states across the backtrace
// Note that you can use instances of classes that implement the __invoke method instead of a closure
$config[SentryConstants::CLASS_SERIALIZERS] = [
    Spryker\Shared\Kernel\Transfer\AbstractTransfer => function(Spryker\Shared\Kernel\Transfer\AbstractTransfer $data) {
        return $data->toArray();