
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


NuGet Package NuGet Badge License: MIT

A binding generator for JS, Call any JS function or property in Blazor Wasm and Server (Including MAUI hybrid) without writing JS wrappers.

Why Use BlazorBindGen

  • very tiny Overhead ~13kb
  • No need to write JS wrappers
  • Support for Callbacks
  • Write JS code in C#
  • WASM and Server Supported
  • automatic memory management


Use Nuget Package Manager or .Net CLI

dotnet add package BlazorBindGen

Initialize BindGen

  1. on top of razor page add Import statements
@inject IJSRuntime runtime
@using BlazorBindGen
@using static BlazorBindGen.BindGen
@using JSCallBack=System.Action<BlazorBindGen.JObjPtr[]>; //optional Typedef 
  1. Intitialize the BindGen
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await base.OnInitializedAsync();
        await InitAsync(runtime);
    //on Server 
    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
	if (!firstRender)
	await InitAsync(runtime);	

Binding Samples

-> Js code is for explaination purpose only , you do not need to write js code anywhere.
-> On Server use Async Version of functions (non async functions will throw `PlatformNotSupportedException`)
Import JS libaries when ever you want in C#
// js equivalent
await import("https://unpkg.com/ml5@latest/dist/ml5.min.js");
//c# side
await ImportAsync("https://unpkg.com/ml5@latest/dist/ml5.min.js");

// js equivalent, importing modules 
let ml5=await import("https://unpkg.com/ml5@latest/dist/ml5.min.js");
//c# side
var ml5Ptr=await ImportRefAsync("https://unpkg.com/ml5@latest/dist/ml5.min.js");
Constructor Calls
//js side
var audio=new Audio(param);

//c# side code 
var_audio=Window.Construct("Audio",param); /* js reference to Audio Player */ 
Fuction Calls
//js equivalent 

//code to call alert in C#
Share JS object References
//js equivalent 
var video = document.querySelector("#videoElement");
//here document is property of window , and dcument has function querySelector

//c# code 
var video = Window["document"].CallRef("querySelector", "#videoElement");
//["documemnt"] will return reference to Property document of window , another way to write it is 
JObjPtr video = Window.PropRef("document").CallRef("querySelector", "#videoElement");
//CallRef function calls JS function and Returns a reference to it, instead of whole object 
Get Set Properties
// equivalent js code 
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
var grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(75, 50, 5, 90, 60, 100);
ctx.fillStyle = grd;
//c# side 
var ctx=canvas.CallRef("getContext","2d");
var grad = ctx.CallRef("createLinearGradient", 0,0,400,0);
//assign a reference to grad(a JobjPtr reference) to property fillStyle of canvas context
Mapping JS property to C#
var audio=new Audio();
audio.currentTime=6; //set
console.log(audio.currentTime); //get

//c# equivalent
JObjPtr _audio=Window.Construct("Audio"); /* js reference to Audio Player */ 
public double CurrentTime
    get => _audio.PropVal<double>("currentTime");
    set => _audio.SetPropVal("currentTime", value);
Map Js Callback to C# event
//js equivalent
var audio=new Audio();
audio.onloadeddata=()=>{ console.log("loaded"))};

//cs equivalent
   var _audio=Window.Construct("Audio"); /* js reference to Audio Player */ 
   _audio.SetPropCallBack("onloadedmetadata", (_) => OnLoadedMetaData?.Invoke(this));
public delegate void LoadedMetaDataHandler(object sender);
public event LoadedMetaDataHandler OnLoadedMetaData;

Be sure to check out sampleApp for more examples

Example (using ML5 in C# only)

@page "/ml5"

@using BlazorBindGen
@using static BlazorBindGen.BindGen
@using JSCallBack=System.Action<BlazorBindGen.JObjPtr[]>; //optional only needed to simplify callback type name

@inject IJSRuntime runtime

@if (isLoaded)
    <input type="text" class="bg-dark text-white border-light" @bind="predictText" placeholder="write review here " style="font-size:18px"/>
    <button class="btn btn-primary" id="mbtn" @onclick="Predict">Predict</button><br /><br />
        <div class="alert alert-primary">
            <p>Review: @GetEmoji() <br />Score: @score</p>
    <div class="alert alert-warning">
        Fetching Movie Review Dataset (~16 MB)
    JWindow win;
    public JObjPtr sentiment;
    string predictText;
    bool isLoaded = false;
    double score;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await base.OnInitializedAsync();
        await Init(runtime);
        win = Window;
        await ML5Init();

    async Task ML5Init()
        await Import("https://unpkg.com/ml5@latest/dist/ml5.min.js");
        var ml5 = win["ml5"];
        sentiment = ml5.CallRef("sentiment", "movieReviews", (JSCallBack)OnModelLoaded);

    void Predict()
        var v = sentiment.Call<Score>("predict", predictText);

    void OnModelLoaded(params JObjPtr[] args)
        isLoaded = true;

    string GetEmoji()
        if (score > 0.7)
            return "😀";
        else if (score > 0.4)
            return "😐";
            return "😥";


    record Score(double score);


Experimentation Auto Bind Generator for WASM

Above example binding could also be generated with Source Generator for WASM .

using BlazorBindGen.Attributes;

namespace SampleApp.JSBinding
    [JSWindow] // represents JS Window class
    public static partial class DomWindow  
        private static ML5 ml5; // refers to window.ml5 prop js side

    public partial class ML5
        public partial Sentiment Sentiment(string modelName,OnModelLoadHandler onModelLoad);

        public delegate void OnModelLoadHandler();

        public partial Sentiment Construct();
    public partial class Sentiment
        public partial Score Predict(string text);
    public record Score(double score);


see usage here


  1. BlazorBindGen Api is subject to change, API is not stable.
  2. Note: Blazor Server requires use of Async functions otherwise UI thread will be blocked by it or alternatively you can call BindGen functions on different thread