
Simple API for retrieving version history documents created by mongo-service

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Version History Api

Simple API for retrieving and viewing version history for entities stored in MongoDB. This is a supporting service for mongo-service and exposes version history for documents via a simple REST API.

The Open API specification documentation can be viewed on a running instance by making a request to /docs/index.html (eg. localhost). Note: redirect for /docs/ to /docs/index.html is not implemented, hence the explicit path must be used.


This is intended as a internal (intranet) application. There is no authentication or authorisation implemented or enforced. Those may be applied as appropriate by upstream proxies.

This is a HTTP/2 only service. If using curl the --http2-prior-knowledge option is required. If hosting behind services such as Envoy (see docker stack and configuration), clients may use HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 to access the endpoints.

Clients may request responses in either BSON (accept: application/bson header) or JSON (accept: application/json header). In both cases compression of the response is supported (accept-encoding: gzip header).

Note: The JSON representation is the standard MongoDB representation of the source BSON document. We use the k_relaxed mode for generating the JSON.


Two groups of endpoints are implemented by this service:

  • VersionHistory - services for interacting with document version history.
  • CRUD - utility services to perform CRUD operations on documents via the mongo-service.

Version History API

The following simple endpoints are provided to interact with version history for documents.

List Versions

An endpoint to return basic metadata about versions stored for the specified document.

GET /version/history/list/<database>/<collection>/<document bson oid>

A document that contains a results array of summary documents will be returned. We wrap the response into a document to keep it consistent with other responses (from other endpoints or error messages).

      "_id": { "$oid": "5f3bc9e29ba4f45f810edf22" },
      "action": "create",
      "created": { "$date": "2020-08-18T12:30:26.659Z" }
      "_id": { "$oid": "5f3bc9e29ba4f45f810edf29" },
      "action": "update",
      "created": { "$date": "2020-08-18T12:30:26.855Z" }
      "_id": { "$oid": "5f3bc9e29ba4f45f810edf2c" },
      "action": "delete",
      "created": { "$date": "2020-08-18T12:30:26.870Z" }

Retrieve History Document

An endpoint to retrieve a specific history document by its object id.

GET /version/history/document/<document bson oid>

The full version history document will be returned. Note that the document of interest is stored under an entity sub-document.

  "_id": { "$oid": "5f3bc9e29ba4f45f810edf22" },
  "action": "create",
  "collection": "test",
  "created": { "$date": "2020-08-18T12:30:26.659Z" },
  "database": "itest",
  "entity": {
    "_id": { "$oid": "5f3bc9e2502422053e08f9f1" },
    "key": "value"

Retrieve Entity

An endpoint to retrieve an entity by its specific history document object id.

GET /version/history/entity/<document bson oid>

This endpoint returns the entity without its parent wrapper.

  "_id": { "$oid": "5f3bc9e2502422053e08f9f1" },
  "key": "value"

Revert Entity

An endpoint to revert an entity to the specified version. The implementation replaces the current document with the versioned entity. This is a true revert in that the exact same version of the document is restored. The version history document created for the revert (exact same nested entity as the version being reverted to) will also hold a custom metadata sub-document with a revertedFrom property that holds the version history id that was reverted. This information can be used to track revert actions that were applied on the document.

This endpoint may not be follow the revert policy followed by the client. Clients may wish to modify certain attributes (modification date etc.) before reverting. It should be easy to accomplish that by retrieving the desired version, modifying as appropriate and saving through the usual means.

PUT /version/history/revert/<version document bson oid>/<database>/<collection>/<entity bson oid>

Note: This is a PUT endpoint since data is modified in the database. No payload is expected from the client for this API endpoint.


Utility endpoints to perform CRUD operations using the mongo-service. This API is most useful for access from scripting languages where performing raw socket communication is not preferred.

Create Document

Endpoint to create a new document in the specified database:collection. As required by the mongo-service caller must specify a valid BSON ObjectId value in the request payload. Request (and response) can be encoded as either BSON or JSON. Response can also be compressed using gzip.

POST /crud/create/<database>/<collection>

  "_id": { "$oid": "5f3bc9e29ba4f45f810edf22" },
  "created": { "$date": "2020-08-18T12:30:26.659Z" },
  "string": "string value",
  "number": 1234,
  "double": 1234.56,
  "bool": false

Retrieve Document

Two endpoints are available to retrieve documents. A simple GET request to retrieve documents by a specified property and value, or a more robust POST request to execute a specified MongoDB query.

Get Request

Make a GET request with the database, collection, property, and value as path parameters.

GET /crud/retrieve/<database>/<collection>/<property>/<value>

  "results": [
      "_id": { "$oid": "5f3bc9e29ba4f45f810edf22" },
      "created": { "$date": "2020-08-18T12:30:26.659Z" },
      "string": "string value",
      "number": 1234,
      "double": 1234.56,
      "bool": false
POST Request

Make a POST request with the MongoDB query and options as the request payload.

POST /crud/query/<database>/<collection>

  "query": {
    "string": "string value",
    "number": 1234 
  "options": {
    "limit": 5,
    "sort": {"_id": -1},
    "projection": {"string": 1, "number": 1}

Update Document

Delete Document

Make a DELETE request with the database, collection, and the BSON ObjectId value as path parameters to delete a document.

DELETE /crud/delete/<database>/<collection>/<bson object id>


The service can be configured via command line parameters. The following options are supported:

  • mongoServiceHost - The service name for the mongo-service to use to store request metrics. Specify using the --mongo-host command line. Default is mongo-service.
  • mongoServicePort - The port for the mongo-service. Default is 2000. Specify using the --mongo-port command line option.
  • metricsDatabase - The database in which api metrics will be saved. Specify via the --metrics-database command line option. This option is used only if mongoServiceHost is defined.
  • metricsCollection - The collection in which api metrics will be saved. Specify via the --metrics-collection command line option. This option is used only if mongoServiceHost is defined.
  • port - The port the service listens on. Default 6100. Specify via the --port command line option.
  • threads - The number of Asio I/O threads to use for the service. Defaults to the hardware concurrency value. Specify via the --threads command line option.
  • logLevel - The logging level for the service. One of critical|warn|info|debug. Default info. Specify via the --log-level command line option.


  • nghttp2 - HTTP/2 server framework.
  • MongoCXX - MongoDB C++ driver for BSON library.
  • NanoLog - Logging framework used for the server. I modified the implementation for daily rolling log files.
  • Clara - Command line options parser.