
A sample Lambda function designed for API Gateway to proxy Randomuser.me

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AWS Lambda function for API Gateway

A sample Lambda function designed for API Gateway


  • Nodejs 6.10 (TIP: use NVM to manage your node environment)
  • node_modules:
    • request
    • request-promise


  1. run build.sh*
> sh build.sh
  1. in AWS Lambda console, create a new lambda, ignore the blueprint, instead of writing code in textbox, select upload zip, upload fn-my-lambda.zip. continue with the wizard steps.


AWS Lambda | Configuration | Handler

This name is derived from [filename].[exports.<name>]

For this function:

filename: index.js (we only use 'index')

exports: exports.handler (we only use 'handler')

the string value finally added to AWS Lambda configuration Handler text box is: "index.handler"

How to create Test

To mimick the API Gateway body payload, make sure in API Gateway | your method |Integration Request | Body Mapping Template | Content-Type |set to'application/json' + Generate tempate: Method Request Passthrough

Result of this is the ability to access the query strings values, headers etc...in JSON object format

Note: if you fire off a test from API Gateway test harness, you can see the Request Body payload (input for the Lambda)

e.g. IF the API method had a question string of count=10, you can access "count" in the Lambda by event.params.querystring.count (will return '10')

Off topic: AWS Gateway, Custom Domain Name

To mask the auto gen API Gateway hostname with a custom one like 'api.myhostname.com', goto: API Gateway | Custom Domain Names| Create Custom Domain Name.

The gotcha here is, you need to create a ACM Certificate in North Virginia (us-east-1) -> which also means your API needs to reside in North Virginia. However once setup, your API can point to Lambdas in ANY region.

Once you press create, it will take > 1hour (although it says 40mins, it took 1-2hours) to create as it is creating a Cloudfront service and replicating across the CDN.

once completed, copy the Distributed Domain Name and head over to Route53 to create an A record with an alias to distributed domain name. Once set, api should be accessible via 'api.myhostname.com'

Also note, access can still be achieved via:

  • distributed domain name
  • api gateway generated name

so make sure each route utilises a Usage Plan + accessed by an API Key (trivial setup).

Off topic : AWS API Gateway, making modifications

when ever you tweak something in the API, make sure you redeploy to appropriate staging environment. Changes do not automatically replicate!!!

  • especially important if you've just turned on "Use API Key" for a method - endpoints will remain unprotected until you redeploy!!!!!!!!

Off topic: AWS API Gateway Usage Plan Quota throttling

  • To reset a Usage Plan when calls exceed limit, goto Usage Plan | API Keys | choose key | Click Exension | grant extension by number

Or Hard Reset:

Edit | disable Quota | renable Quota | Save


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


  • V1


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