A CEN3031 (Intro to Software Engineering) Project
###Group Members
- Sergio Puleri: spuleri
- Kevin Wu: kwu23
- Dylan Richardson: goozie001
- Craig Lu: CraigLu
- Chun Fai Kwok: cfkwok
###Protractor tests
Install Protractor (follow "Setup" instructions):
######Running tests (you will need to do these in seperate terminal tabs/windows) First start the Selenium Server:
$ webdriver-manager start
Start the application:
$ grunt
Finally, start Protracting!
$ protractor tests/conf.js
######Current tests made:
- Sign up as professor
- Make a course
- Make a quiz with questions and answers
- Broadcast quiz and show answers
- Sign out, sign up as student
- Join the course and view the quiz
- Sign out and sign in as professor
- Remove the course