
A super simple rsync/s3 backup script

Primary LanguageShell


A super simple rsync/s3 backup script.

  • For tar-ing and compressing files,
  • for doing mysqldump and compress them
  • and for sending the stuff to s3 and some host with rsync.

Usage: backup.sh configfile.conf

The Config File

# Where to store all the packed filez and dumpz
# The shit will be removed after they've been synced
# Secret S3 data
# Be sure that the host's public ssh-key is placed in authorized_keys at the host
# Files/directories to be packed: /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads for example!
files=(stuff:/var/www/stuff snuff:/var/www/snuff)
# Mysql databases to dump
mysql=(user:password@host/database user:password@host/another-database)