
Python-Django scaffolding for common use cases

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Open edX Plugin Examples

Source code Forums Documentation PyPI releases AGPL License hack.d Lawrence McDaniel

A curated collection of code samples for extending the functionality of an Open edX installation using its built-in plugin architecture.

Technical features that are showcased in this repo include:

  • Open edX Django configuration settings
  • Open edX Django urls
  • Open edX Django logging
  • Open edX Django signals
  • Open edX Django RestFramework custom api
  • Django app setup
  • Django models
  • Django and Mako templating
  • Django static assets
  • Django Admin
  • Django middleware
  • Django manage.py custom commands
  • Django Waffle flags
  • Python environment variables
  • How to bundle multiple plugins in a single pip package
  • How to redirect Open edX urls in lms and cms to endpoints created in this plugin
  • How to automatically initialize Django model data during app startup
  • Adding unit tests to plugin code
  • Semantic version control
  • Pre-commit with linting by flake8 and black, both of which are configured to match the opinionated styling that you'll find in Open edX repositories
  • pip configuration, requirements, constraints, setup.py, pyproject.toml
  • Publishing to PyPi

Open edX Plugins in this Repository


Demonstrates how to create an all-in-one Open edX plugin, with a heterogeneous collection of custom feature additions, including:


Implements a full-featured REST API which is built from snippets of Open edX's built-in rest api libraries. Demonstrates the following:

  • Best practices with Django RestFramework for Open edX
  • Adding custom URL endpoints to LMS
  • Adding Django Admin views
  • Creating custom Django models for your plugin
  • How to create custom entries in the openedx app log
  • How to leverage Django Signals to create customized event-driven features
  • How to implement Waffle Switches to control optional features at run-time


Implements a custom course audit report in Course Management Studio that depends on a backend Python process to iterate the course content. This process is highly instructive about the Open edX course object hierarchy. This plugin demonstrates the following:

  • Adding custom URL endpoints to Course Management Studio
  • Adding Django Admin views
  • Adding custom manage.py commands to CMS
  • Creating custom Django models for your plugin
  • How to create custom entries in the openedx app log
  • How to leverage Django Signals to create customized event-driven features
  • How to implement Waffle Switches to control optional features at run-time
  • Advanced usage of Mako templating within an Open edX plugin
  • How to programatically iterate and inspect course content
  • How to leverage Open edX object caching


Implements a modified version of the Open edX LMS Mobile REST API. This plugin illustrates best practices for modifying edx-platform source code without actually forking this repository. Demonstrates the following:

  • How to implement Django middleware to modify the destination of existing LMS url endpoints
  • Best practices with Django RestFramework for Open edX

Getting Started

Install using Tutor

See Installing extra xblocks and requirements

tutor config save       # to ensure that tutor's root folder system has been created
echo "git+https://github.com/lpm0073/openedx-plugin-example.git" >> "$(tutor config printroot)/env/build/openedx/requirements/private.txt"
cat "$(tutor config printroot)/env/build/openedx/requirements/private.txt"
tutor images build openedx
tutor local quickstart

# you'll also need to run this on your very first install
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 1. run migrations
tutor local run lms ./manage.py lms makemigrations
tutor local run lms ./manage.py lms migrate
tutor local run cms ./manage.py cms makemigrations
tutor local run cms ./manage.py cms migrate

# 2. add configuration data to custom models
tutor local run lms ./manage.py lms openedx_plugin_init
tutor local run lms ./manage.py lms openedx_plugin_api_init
tutor local run lms ./manage.py lms openedx_plugin_mobile_api_init
tutor local run cms ./manage.py cms openedx_plugin_cms_init

Notes About Django-Waffle

  • Each of these four Open edX plugins use django-waffle to toggle features on and off. While edx-platform also uses waffle switches, you should note that they separately manage a wrapper project named edx-toggles, and therefore the source code in this repo interacts with both of these.

  • Waffle switches in each of these four plugins are automatically initialized. You'll therefore find the switches in the LMS Django Admin console (admin/waffle/switch/) of your Open edX installation. Additionally, you'll find the raw MySL database records in the waffle_switch table MySQL records

  • Look for app startup entries in the LMS app log for diagnostics information about the state of each waffle switch app logs


Documentation is available here: Documentation


To get community support, go to the official Open edX discussion forum: https://discuss.openedx.org.


We welcome contributions! openedx-plugin-example is part of the cookiecutter-openedx project. Pull requests are welcome in all repos belonging to this organization. You can also contact Lawrence McDaniel directly.

Getting Started With Local development

# Run these from within your edx-platform virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

cd /path/to/edx-platform
pip install -r requirements/edx/base.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/coverage.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/development.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/pip-tools.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/testing.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/doc.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/paver.txt

pip install pre-commit black flake8
pre-commit install

Local development good practices

  • run black on modified code before committing.
  • run flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
  • run flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
  • run pre-commit run --all-files before pushing. see: https://pre-commit.com/

edx-platform dependencies

To avoid freaky version conflicts in prod it's a good idea to install all of the edx-platform requirements to your local dev virtual environment.

  • requirements/edx/base.txt
  • requirements/edx/develop.txt,
  • requirements/edx/testing.txt

At a minimum this will give you the full benefit of your IDE's linter.