Spurious is a toolset allowing development against a subset of AWS resource, locally.
- AgtLucasPlanet Earth
- alexanderjameskingSwitzerland
- ashayh
- chr33s
- cookiescrumbsManchester
- danieledangeliLondon
- darnouldLondon
- davedevelopment@childcare and @atst
- dbarbarIndustry Dive
- dbloomanRemote
- dmMarks and Spencers
- dostiharise@alvyl
- ifraixedesStorj Labs
- jcleveley-zzBuzzFeed
- kevinkarwaskiBoston, MA
- klrStockholm
- maleghastScholaNoctis Ltd.
- mgilbirLeiden, Netherlands
- michael-wolfenden
- MilleniumSpark
- mndociAmazon Web Services
- oyang
- revettSabbatical → Open to work (Q2 2025)
- robertson-ja
- roryrjbEuropean Union
- sc0ttjUK
- seanmtraceyExpanso
- securedsystems
- shaikhfaisalSamsara
- shreyaskarnik127.0.0.1
- stevenjack@vidsy
- stuartriveroThink To Be Ltd
- sublimino@controlplaneio
- tomgcoApple
- wildlyinaccurate@SpeedCurve-Metrics
- ziozzangSeoul, Korea