
An unofficial, automated snd (and s7 Scheme) mirror

Primary LanguageSchemeOtherNOASSERTION


Snd is a sound editor.  It currently runs on nearly all
Unix-based systems, including Mac OSX and Cygwin.
To build Snd, get the sources from


  gzip -d snd-18.tar.gz
  tar xf snd-18.tar
  cd snd-18

and if you like, su root, then

  make install

The configure script has a bunch of arguments:

   Extension language:

     --with-s7         use s7 (the default, a version of Scheme).

     --with-ruby       use Ruby as the extension language.  If you build Ruby from the sources,
     			 remember to use the --enable-shared switch.  Otherwise ruby.pc is messed up.
                         If ruby.pc (or equivalent) is missing, tools/make-config-pc.rb can make one:
                         make-config-pc.rb > ruby.pc
                         mv ruby.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ruby.pc
                         You may also have to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH:
			 PKG_CONFIG_PATH=.:/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig/ ./configure --with-motif --with-ruby --with-portaudio 
			 (Debian: ruby-dev)
                       In Ruby 2.7, include -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types in CFLAGS.
     --with-forth      use Forth (Mike Scholz's FTH) as the extension language. (libfth or fth at sourceforge)
     --without-extension-language  build Snd without any extension language


     --with-motif      use Motif.  If it's in some odd location, you can provide that info:
                         ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/X11R6/include" --with-motif

                         in Fedora, install the motif, motif-devel, and libXpm-devel packages.
                         in *BSD, pkg install open-motif, or perhaps use pkgin?
                         in Debian, apt-get install libmotif4, libmotif-dev, libxt-dev, libxpm-dev
			    in Ubuntu 21.04 the Motif libraries appear to be libmotif-common libxm4 libmotif-dev
			      and X11/extensions/shape.h is in libxext-dev

     --with-gui        make Snd with graphics support (actually intended for use as --without-gui)
     --with-gl         include support for OpenGL (default: no, Motif only) (debian: libgl-dev libglu-dev)
       --with-gl2ps    include gl2ps (postscript output from OpenGL graphics)


     --with-alsa       use ALSA if possible (the default in Linux) (Debian: libasound2-dev, Fedora: alsa-lib and alsa-lib-dev)

     --with-oss        use OSS (not tested in a long time)
     --with-jack       use the Jack library which needs libsamplerate

     --with-pulseaudio use PulseAudio (untested), libpulse-dev in debian, puleaudio-libs-devel in Fedora

     --without-audio   do not include audio support.  This also affects the
                         GUI (play buttons are omitted).

   Other options:

     --with-gmp        use gmp, mpfr, and mpc to implement multiprecision arithmetic
                       (Debian: libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev)

     --with-ladspa     include LADSPA plugin support (default: yes in Linux)
                       (get ladaps.h and put it in /usr/local/include or some such directory)
     --with-temp-dir   directory to use for temp files (default: ".")
     --with-save-dir   directory to use for saved-state files (default: ".")
     --with-doc-dir    directory to search for documentation

If the configure/make process fails, please send me
(bil@ccrma.stanford.edu) the files mus-config.h, config.log, and makefile,
created (or updated) by configure.  In general, if some switch is ignored,
check that you have installed the "devel" package.  For example, --with-ruby
won't work unless you have installed the ruby-devel package.

Snd comes with s7, but if you insist on building Snd without any extension 
language, you'll find that it's severely limited in what it can do.  
Snd can also be built without any graphics toolkit.  Without either the GUI 
or an extension language, however, there's nothing it can do.

Here at CCRMA, we use this configure invocation:

  ./configure --with-jack --with-temp-dir=/zap

Version info:
  if Motif, then Motif 2.n but not Lesstif
  in Linux, if ALSA, then ALSA 1.0 or later
  if Ruby, Ruby 1.8.0 or later.  
  if Forth, any version
  if s7, version 3.0 or later (it comes with Snd).
  if GSL, version 1.0 or later


The customization/extension languages are either s7, Ruby, or Forth.

Much of Snd's functionality is loaded as needed from the Scheme, Ruby, or Forth
files found in the tarball (*.scm, *.rb, and *.fs).  You can run Snd without 
these files, but there's no reason to!  Just add the directory containing
those files to the "load-path".  In s7,

  (set! *load-path* (cons "/home/bil/cl" *load-path*))

*load-path* is the list of directories that s7 looks at when trying
to find a file to load.  Here I've added "/home/bil/cl" so that Snd
can find its sources no matter what directory I run it in.  If you 
create a file named ~/.snd_s7 and put such a line in it, you'll
never have to think about it again.  In the other languages:

Ruby:   $LOAD_PATH.push("/home/bil/cl")
Forth:  "/home/bil/cl" add-load-path


The documentation is in snd.html, extsnd.html, grfsnd.html, sndscm.html,
sndlib.html, sndclm.html, fm.html, and s7.html.  

A brief change log is in HISTORY.Snd.

The mailing list for Snd is the same as that for Common Music:
cmdist@ccrma.stanford.edu.  To subscribe, visit


To follow the Snd SVN repository, the first time you need to

  svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/snd/svn1 snd

This creates a local snd directory with the files (in the trunk directory).

  svn update

updates any changed files.

This software is available to anyone who is interested, free gratis
for nothing, without warranties of any kind (see the file COPYING for
legalese).  Send bug reports or suggestions to bil@ccrma.stanford.edu.


Bill Schottstaedt
Michael Scholz

Rick Taube, Andrew Burnson, Donny Ward, Greg Santucci: C++ and Windows wizardry.
Kjetil S. Matheussen:                   the Jack support and many other improvements.
Dave Phillips:                          the tutorial, new-effects.scm, and many other files.
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:                 the current ALSA support.
Rick Taube and Anders Vinjar:           CM scheme files ported to Snd
Tito Latini:                            many bugfixes and new features.
Richard W.E. Furse:                     the original LADSPA support.
Nick Bailey:                            the ESD support.
Volker Kuhlmann and Seppo Ingalsuo:     the Solaris port.
Seppo Ingalsuo:                         the HPUX port.
Juan Reyes:                             the DEC Alpha port.
Guenter Geiger and Stefan Schwandter:   the Linux Alpha port.
Paul Davis:                             the original ALSA support.
Steven Schultz and Mike Scholz:         the *BSD ports.
Ludger Brummer and Charles Nichols:     the Mac-OSX port.
Thomas Klausner and Mike Scholz:        the NetBSD port.
Koen De Turck:                          the OpenBSD port.
Steve Beet:                             minGW

Plus many other contributions from
  Fernando Lopez-Lezcano, 
  Tom Roth,
  Fabio Furlanete,
  Rick Taube,
  Anders Vinjar,
  Olivier Doare,
  Ville Koskinen,
  Andrew Burnson.

In terms of number of lines, the languages used in Snd/Sndlib are:
C, Scheme, Ruby, Forth, Emacs Lisp, Fortran, and Lua (altogether about 850k lines).


If you hit a bug, don't just sit there weeping -- send me
(bil@ccrma.stanford.edu) a description of it!  If it's something like
a segfault, you have gdb, and you can build Snd from the sources, it
would help me a lot if you could build it with the -g switch, then

gdb snd
<here do whatever it takes to get the bug>

The 'where' command should print out the current stack trace which
is extremely helpful to me in tracking down the problem.  It can also
be helpful to move to the first Snd-related function in the stack
(via the 'up' command), then type

info locals

This will print out the value of the local variables.  In most cases,
that's all I need to fix the bug immediately.  If Snd
appears to be hung, you can 

gdb snd
<now get it to hang, then type control-C to exit>



---- wayland ----

Currently in wayland you need to run snd:


Thanks to Kenneth Flak for this tip!

---- audio (a can of worms) ----

If nothing plays in Linux (try aplay for example), and the sound preferences
have no effect, look for the pulseaudio daemon, and kill it.

In OpenBSD, use pulseaudio:
 ./configure --with-gmp --with-pulseaudio CFLAGS=-ftrampolines LDFLAGS=-pthread

---- ALSA: ----

Only versions from 1.0 of ALSA are supported.

An addendum: in my system, I have a wretched sound card in my machine,
and an EMI 2|6 connected to a USB connector.  So the EMI device is "hw:1"
in Alsa terms, and since I never want to use the internal sound card,
I have this line in my ~/.cshrc file:

setenv MUS_ALSA_DEVICE "hw:1"

But this number seems to be set randomly at boot time!  And sometimes, Alsa
in its infinite wisdom mutes the playback device. So, now I
have these lines executing at startup:

amixer sset PCM,0 80% unmute
amixer sset Mic,0 80%

If you use 100% (meaning, give me full amplitude output), it's the same
as 0!!  

On a different machine, I use:

setenv MUS_ALSA_DEVICE "plughw:0"

If you get some complaint like

  ;Invalid argument: cannot set hardware parameters for default

try setting:

    (set! (mus-alsa-device) "plughw:0")


    (set! (mus-alsa-device) "plughw:1")

then try playing again.  The "default" device is always completely

---- Motif: ----

Only Motif 2.n is supported.  Be sure to get the Motif development
package if you want to build Snd (you need the Motif headers).

On 64-bit machines, use motif 2.3.2 or later.

I think some of the newer Motif packages (like post-2012)
need both /usr/include/X11/extensions/Print.h and
/usr/include/X11/bitmaps/gray -- in the latter case I
sometimes have to create the bitmaps directory.
I can send copies of these files if needed.

---- Mac OSX: ---- 

Daniel Hensel sends these instructions to get Snd running with Motif:

Download and install XQuartz:

Download and install XCode
open terminal:
install Command Line Tools by typing
xcode-select --install

Install Macports
Install Homebrew

In Terminal type  if not already installed:

brew install gcc 
brew install ruby
brew install openmotif
brew install poppler

brew install timidity
brew install wavpack
brew install mpg123
brew install mpg321

sudo port -v install vorbis-tools +flac

untar snd-16.4
cd into the snd-16.4 folder
./configure CFLAGS="-arch x86_64  -I/sw/include" LDFLAGS="-L/sw/lib -lmx -bind_at_load" --with-motif
sudo make install

now it works

you may start snd by typing snd from the command line, but you also may add it to XQuartz: open  

tab on /Applications, adapt the Path by adding Object and typing /usr/local/bin/snd 

Create your shortcut in XQuartz so it will start immediately by typing Command-s

Later this update:
  ./configure CFLAGS="-arch x86_64  -I/opt/X11/include" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/X11/lib -lmx -bind_at_load" --with-motif

In OSX 10.6.8, Ludger Brummer suggests:
  ./configure CFLAGS="-arch i386 -I/sw/include" LDFLAGS="-L/sw/lib -lmx -bind_at_load" --with-motif

Here's a note from Brooke Mitchell:

How to install snd on Mac OSX Snow Leopard using homebrew: 
--have you installed Developer Tools??? 

1) install openmotif osx package 
open terminal: 
   export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/OpenMotif/lib 

2) install homebrew: 
 /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/gist/323731)" 

3) install dependencies. 
 brew install libffi 
(repository link should be fixed, otherwise terminal: 
    brew edit libffi 
change line 4:" url'sourceware.org:/pub/libffi/libffi-3.0.9.tar.gz'" 

 brew install --HEAD guile 

 brew install fftw 

4) compile the source 

 ./configure \ 
 (--with-ruby  //if you want ruby) 

edit makefile. add to line 19: ORIGINAL_LDFLAGS = /usr/OpenMotif/lib 

sudo make install 

Here are Daniel Hensel's OSX instructions (4-Jul-20):

brew install gcc 
brew install ruby
brew install openmotif
brew install poppler

brew install timidity
brew install wavpack
brew install wvunpack
brew install mpg123
brew install mpg321
brew install vorbis-tools
brew install flac
brew install fftw
sudo port install fftw-single

./configure -prefix=/opt/snd-s7 CFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -I/opt/X11/include" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/X11/lib -lmx -bind_at_load" -with-gsl -with-s7

Here are Matti Koskinen's OSX instructions (11-Sep-20):

I got snd + motif working on macOS Catalina. 

I installed homebrew openmotif and Mac xorg X . Then  this was my ./configure

CFLAGS='-I/usr/X11/include' LDFLAGS='-L/usr/X11/lib' ./configure --with-motif --with-x

And snd got build without errors.

Adding homebrew vorbis-tools, mpg123, mpg321 nade snd even happier. Fftw3 I had already, flac also. 

Misleading was, that  these were completely ignored, so I ended up on X-error

X features:
  --x-includes=DIR    X include files are in DIR
  --x-libraries=DIR   X library files are in DIR

And Daniel Hensel's OSX instructions for BigSur (30-Jun-21):

Download and install XCode
open terminal:
install Command Line Tools by typing
xcode-select --install

Install Homebrew

brew install gcc 
brew install ruby
brew install gtk+
brew install openmotif
brew install poppler
brew install gsl
brew install timidity
brew install wavpack
brew install wvunpack
brew install mpg123
brew install mpg321
brew install vorbis-tools
brew install flac
brew install fftw

cd to snd

./configure -prefix=/opt/snd-s7 CFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -I/opt/X11/include" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/X11/lib -lmx -bind_at_load" -with-motif -with-s7


sudo make install
sudo ln -s /opt/snd-s7/bin/snd /usr/local/bin

Daniel Hensel's instructions for a Mac M1 MacBook

I built Snd on Monterey like this:

./configure -prefix=/opt/snd-s7 CFLAGS="-target arm64-apple-macos11"  --with-s7 --with-motif --with-gsl

sudo make install
sudo ln -s /opt/snd-s7/bin/snd /usr/local/bin/snd

after that, I make an Apple script to make a Snd.app.
Open Scripteditor, make a new script and type,

tell application "Terminal"
	do script "/usr/local/bin/snd; exit"
end tell

Save as an App. Go to your Applications folder to Snd and 
get app information via Cmd+i and drag your Snd.png File into it.

-------- FreeBSD 9.n --------

If the Snd compilation fails with complaints about the complex trig functions (ccosh etc),
here are some suggestions from Mike Scholz:

FBSD has CFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing as a default for base and ports. With 
GCC you can use: 

  % ./configure CFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing 

Or at least set -fno-builtin: 

  % ./configure CFLAGS=-fno-builtin 

Or use clang without the aforementioned flags: 

  % ./configure CC=clang 

There is also a port in /usr/ports/audio/snd with version 13.0 from August 

-------- Debian --------

The last time I installed Debian (25-Jan-17) I installed the following
Snd-related packages by hand:
   libfftw3-3 libgsl2 libmotif-dev libxpm-dev libxt-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev
   libgsl-dev libfftw3-dev libgl-dev libglu-dev libjack-dev ruby-dev libasound2-dev

-------- Fedora --------

and for Fedora Core 22:
  yum install gcc tcsh rxvt emacs fftw3 fftw3-devel
              alsa-lib alsa-lib-devel gsl gsl-devel gmp gmp-devel 
              mpfr mpfr-devel libmpc libmpc-devel ruby ruby-devel motif 
              motif-devel libXpm-devel mesa-libGLU-devel