
mysqldump every DB of your MySQL Server to its own, 7z-compressed file.

Primary LanguageShell


mysqldump every DB of your MySQL Server to its own, 7z-compressed file. The provided setup.sh auto-installs/updates the code and makes the script available as a new, simple shell command (zzmysqldump). The project aims to deliver a fully configfile-driven script: no code editing should be necessary!

Parli italiano? » Leggi: MySQL/mysqldump: creare un file distinto/singolo per ogni database con zzmysqldump (script)


Just execute:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TurboLabIt/zzmysqldump/master/setup.sh | sudo sh

Now copy the provided sample configuration file (zzmysqldump.default.conf) to your own zzmysqldump.conf and replace username, password and stuff:

sudo cp /usr/local/turbolab.it/zzmysqldump/zzmysqldump.default.conf /etc/turbolab.it/zzmysqldump.conf && sudo nano /etc/turbolab.it/zzmysqldump.conf

Run it

It's MySQL Server backup time! Run zzmysqldump to generate your 7z-compressed, database-dump files.