
Laravel WW2 Google Maps

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel 9.42 and Leaflet Maps POI settings with pictures


  • php 8.1
  • mysql
  • composer


sudo apt install curl php-cli php-mbstring git unzip composer


sudo pacman -Syu php81 php81-fpm composer

if composer is not directly available on the system, make sure you have a copy of composer.phar in the .core directory.

cd ~
php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
php composer-setup.php
mv composer.phar [rootdir]/.core

Download and Config

Download into folder by adding the folder at the end.

git clone https://github.com/spuzzelsnest/ww2web.git ww2maps.loc 

Create missing directories and files.

mkdir -p .core/bootstrap/cache 
mkdir -p .core/storage/logs
mkdir -p .core/storage/framework/sessions
mkdir -p .core/storage/framework/views
mkdir -p .core/storage/framework/cache/data

touch .core/storage/logs/laravel.log

Change the permissions of the created folders. These need to have full read and write access for the cache files.

chmod 777 .core/storage/logs
chmod 777 .core/storage/framework/sessions
chmod 777 .core/storage/framework/views

Edit .core/.env.example and edit it to your neeeds.

cp .core/.env.example .core/.env
nano .core/.env

Update a new install

composer update


php composer.phar update

Generate a new Key that will be added to the .env file.

php artisan key:generate

Setup the database

Default migrations are already created in .core/database/migrations/ generated with the following command. They are here just as a usecase if new migrations need to be created.

php artisan make:migration create_types_table

you can edit the files in the directory .core/database/migrations/

Check the status of the migrations with the following command from the .core directory.

php artisan migrate:status

To migrate to the database use:

php artisan migrate

The needed seeders are available from the directory .core/database/seeders, seed as follows.

php artisan db:seed

To refresh the data after changes have been made, you can do so using:

 php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

Display the app

Visit the page in your browser via http://localhost. Add new POI via the Admin Page.